XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Coffee prices ease on expected Brazil rains, cocoa up

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Adds comments and closing prices

NEW YORK, Oct 3 (Reuters) - Coffee futures closed down for the third straight session on Thursday with expected rains seen boosting the outlook for crops in Brazil, while London cocoa prices turned higher after slumping to an eight-month low.


* December arabica coffee KCc1 settled down 4.45 cents, or 1.7%, at $2.5205 per lb. The contract lost nearly 7% in the last three sessions.

* Dealers said forecasts that Brazil would receive much needed rains in the next few days had helped to put the market on the defensive although it is unlikely to completely allay concerns about the flowering of next year's crop following a prolonged dry spell.

* Weather service Maxar said in a report that there would be light showers in Parana and along the coastfrom Thursday into the weekend while the 6-10 day outlook indicated light to moderate rains.

* November robusta coffee LRCc1 fell 3.7% at $4,921 a metric ton as the market waited for the harvest in top robusta producer Vietnam to gather pace. The contract lost 11% in the last three sessions.

* "The market still expects lower output in the 2024/25 crop," said Nguyen Ngoc Quynh, deputy chief of the Mercantile Exchange of Vietnam.


* March London cocoa LCCc2 ​settled up 85 pounds, or 2%, to 4,440 pounds per ton. Prices had earlier hit an eight-month low of 4,296 pounds.

* Dealers said favourable crop weather in top growers Ivory Coast and Ghana was improving the main crop outlook and had eroded some of the steep gains posted earlier this year.

* Broker StoneX projected the global cocoa market will have a supply surplus in 2024/25, which would be the first in four years.

* December New York cocoa CCc1 fell 0.5% to $7,030 a ton ​after hitting a 4-1/2 month low of $6,884.


* March raw sugar SBc1 ​settled up 0.56 cents, or 2.5%, at 23.24 cents per lb, boosted partly by rising oil prices .

* Stronger energy prices can lead to more use of cane to produce biofuel ethanol rather than sugar.

* December white sugar LSUc1 ​​rose 1.7% at $584.00 a ton.

Reporting by Nigel Hunt and Marcelo Teixeira; Editing by David Evans and Mohammed Safi Shamsi


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