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California wildfires dim solar generation during power demand peak: Maguire

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Repeats item published earlier in the global day

By Gavin Maguire

LITTLETON, Colorado, July 31 (Reuters) -Wildfires spewing smoke across much of the southwest United States are denting solar power output in the country's largest solar producer just as power demand peaks due to heavy use of air conditioners during summer.

Through the first half of 2024, solar power generation in the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) network was 28% above the same period in 2023 following extensive solar capacity expansions in the state within the past year.

But CAISO's solar power output dipped below year-earlier levels this month as thick smoke from spreading wildfires darkened the skies and dimmed solar generation in mid-July.

Solar output has since rebounded as winds cleared some smoke away, but 89 large active wildfires that have already scorched over 2 million acres continue to burn in the U.S. as of July 30, according to the National Interagency Fire Center (NIFC).

Moreover, California is only one of 12 states currently reporting large fires, which are defined as "a fire meeting the size of the top 5% of historic daily largest fires during a typical fire season," according to the NIFC.

Hot, dry and windy conditions across the southwest continue to foster further wildfire expansions, so additional disruptions to regional solar generation are likely just as household and business use of power-hungry cooling systems looks set to peak.

To make up for any power supply shortfalls from solar farms, power producers may be forced to increase generation from coal and natural gas-fired plants which may exacerbate air quality readings.


The U.S. southwest is the top national solar power generation area due to its mainly sunny and dry climate, but is also the most active area for wildfires for similar regions.

Roughly half of all U.S. utility-scale solar generation capacity is located within states included in the U.S. southwest region, according to energy data portal Cleanview, and so potentially stands to be impacted by wildfire break outs.

In addition to being hampered by hazy air that blocks some of the sun's rays before they can be converted to electricity within the panels, solar farms can also be affected by ash and dust coatings and can sometimes be destroyed directly by fires.

Studies on the solar impact of wildfires in California in 2020 show that "power output by PV (photovoltaic solar) declined between 10% to 30% on the statewide scale but declined up to 58% locally," according to the United States Department of Energy.


Aggressive clean energy generation targets have made California's power system a national leader in terms of integrating clean power onto the state's grid.

California generated around 28% of its electricity from solar in 2023, and can generate as much as 40% of its electricity needs from solar during peak generation periods in the summer, data from energy think tank Ember showed.

CAISO's ability to keep clean power flowing was put to the test earlier this month as some of the state's wildfires caused widespread haze across the region which stunted solar generation.

CAISO solar generation averaged around 8,200 megawatt hours (MWh) a day over the first 10 days of July, according to LSEG, which was a record for that period.

From July 12 through July 15, however, average solar generation slumped to around 6,350 MWh due to thick haze, which marked a roughly 23% drop from the July 1-10 average and was also below the same days in 2023.

To make up for the solar setback, CAISO power firms increased natural gas-fired generation by around 10% during July 12-15 from the July 1-10 average, but then lowered gas output again once solar output rebounded.

Any further disruptions to CAISO solar production will likely also be offset by higher gas-fired power output, which may result in even greater air pollution in the surrounding area.

<The opinions expressed here are those of the author, a columnist for Reuters.>

California solar output takes a hit from wildfire smoke https://tmsnrt.rs/3WHE9B3

Active wildfires across North America on July 30, 2024 https://tmsnrt.rs/4dfp4wc

California natural gas output rises to offset dip in solar generation https://tmsnrt.rs/3SwzK1j

Reporting by Gavin Maguire; Editing by Christopher Cushing


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