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Wheat rebounds on short-covering, global weather worries

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Rewrites throughout; updates analyst quotes, prices, byline Changes dateline from CANBERRA/PARIS

By Renee Hickman

CHICAGO, July 19 (Reuters) -Chicago Board of Trade wheat futures climbed on Friday on short-covering and concerns over weather in wheat growing areas of the U.S. Plains and globally.

Corn and soy bounced back from lows hit earlier in the week, before soy dipped again. Gains were capped by favorablecrop weather in the U.S. Midwest corn and soybean belt that supportedexpectations of plentiful harvests, according to analysts.

The most-active wheat contract on the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) Wv1 was up 8-3/4 cents at $5.44 a bushel by 12:43 p.m. CDT (1743 GMT), with CBOT corn Cv1 1/4 cent higher at $4.05-1/4 a bushel and soybeans Wv1 down 5 cents at 10.38 a bushel.

Wheat firmed on increased global export business as CBOT wheat futures Wv1 fell to a four-month low this week and hovered near a four-year low.

"We're really seeing what happens when you take prices down to multi-year lows and get a little bit of an oversold condition," said Arlan Suderman, chief commodities economist at StoneX. "Producers quit selling and you start seeing value at this price."

Suderman said wheat led the way up due to concerns about hot, dry weather in the U.S. Northern Plains and spring wheat belt, as well as the Canadian Prairies and the Russian spring wheat belt.

Some 12% of the U.S. spring wheat crop was located in a drought area as of July 16, up from 7% the prior week, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said this week.

In France, the condition of soft wheat crops fell sharply last week to an eight-year low and harvesting remained well behind the usual pace, data from farm office FranceAgriMer showed, as rain fell in already soggy grain belts.

Meanwhile,crop weather in the U.S. Corn Belt hasbeen generally beneficial, said Terry Reilly, senior agricultural strategist at Marex, bolsteringexpectations of large U.S. corn and soybean harvests.

In corn, Reilly said demand is very good, but supply is ever growing.The International Grains Council (IGC) on Thursday raised its forecast for 2024/25 world corn production by 2 million metric tons to 1.225 billion tons

Additionally, he said, Friday's worldwide cyber outage could have caused some money to move into commodities as they equities market was rattled.

Reporting by Renee Hickman; additional reporting by Peter Hobson and Sybille de La Hamaide
Editing by Marguerita Choy


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