XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Week Ahead-Inflation data, Fed speakers, RBNZ decision lead

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Oct 7 (Reuters) -Inflation data from the world's two largest economies, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand's rate decision, speeches by Federal Reserve officials, Middle East tensions and expectations offurther Chinese stimulus measures will dictate trends in financial markets this week.

As the dust settles on Friday's blowout jobs report, the U.S. facesanother busy week for data. The highlights include September CPI and PPI, trade, weekly jobless claims and preliminary October University of Michigan consumer sentiment.

At least13 Federal Reserve speakers will provide their opinions on the outlook for the U.S. economy and interest rates, and markets will also sift through the Fed's September meeting minutes on Wednesday. Earnings season kicks off on Friday.

China markets reopenon Tuesday after the Golden Week holiday and newly hopeful investors are anticipating furtherstimulus measures from Beijing.September CPI and PPI on Sunday will be watched for signs of easing in deflationary pressures. Credit data may alsobe released this week.

The RBNZ meets on Wednesday. While60% of economists in a Reuters poll expect a half-point cut to the 5.25% cash rate, markets are nearly 100% priced for itaccording to LSEG data 0#RBNZWATCH as the economy contracts with pricing pressures at their lowest level in nearly four years.

The euro zonehas a light data schedule with retail sales and German factory orders on Monday, then German industrial production and the European Central Bank's monetary policy accountsof the September meeting, which are unlikely to surprise.

In the UK, the Bank of England's Monetary Policy Report hearings before parliamenton Thursday may create volatility, ahead of Friday'smonthly data dump spanning August GDP, trade, index of services and industrial production, which will providea comprehensive snapshot of the economy.

Japan has a quiet calendar, with PPI the main release, along with trade and current account data. After a volatile week in Japanese markets, there is potential for less domestic drama afterPrime Minister ShigeruIshiba cooled rate hike expectations with a preference for the BOJ to go slow in hiking rates.

Sydney is on holiday Monday and Australia'sdata calendar is limited to business and consumer confidence. The Reserve Bank of Australia will publish its September meeting minutes and markets will also monitor comments fromRBA Deputy Governor Andrew Hauser and Assistant Governors Christopher Kent and Sarah Hunter.

Canada publishes trade andjobs data.

For more click on FXBUZ

Krishna Kumar and Andrew Spencer are Reuters market analysts. The views expressed are their own. Editing by Sonali Desai


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