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Wall St eyes lower start to data-loaded week; Powell's comments awaited

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CVS gains after report Glenview to meet with executives

Ford, GM slide after peer Stellantis trims annual forecast

Futures off: Dow 0.16%, S&P 500 0.26%, Nasdaq 0.36%

Updated at 8:45 a.m. ET/1245 GMT

By Johann M Cherian and Purvi Agarwal

Sept 30 (Reuters) - Wall Street was set for a lower open onMonday as investors paused after a rally in the previous week and exercised cautionahead of numerous job reports and comments through the week from Federal Reserve policymakers, including Chair Jerome Powell.

Dow E-minis 1YMcv1 were down 69 points, or 0.16%, S&P 500 E-minis EScv1 were down 15 points, or 0.26% and Nasdaq 100 E-minis NQcv1 were down 71.25 points, or 0.36%.

Futures tracking the small caps Russell 2000 index RTYc1 slipped 0.50%.

The blue-chip Dow .DJI closed at a record high on Friday, and the benchmark S&P 500 .SPX is a whisker away from an all-time high. Both indexes are set for their fifth straight month of gains, defying a historical trend where September has been a weak month for equities on average.

The world's most influential central bank kicked off its policy easing nearly two weeks ago, fuelling gains that has propped Wall Street's three main indexes for a quarterly rise as well.

Data recently has supported the trend ofmoderating price pressures, while the underlying economy fares well overall, granting the Fed enoughroom to support the labor market and avoid a recession by reducing borrowing costs further.

Economists say that a mistake in setting interest rates during the last phase of the Fed's inflationbattle could be risky for the economy over the next year as markets await comments from chair Powell at a conference on Monday at 1:55 p.m. ET.

Investors will also keep a close tab on August's job openings report and September's pivotal payrolls figure, along with final business activity estimates this week for clues on the outlook for the economy and rate cuts.

"If we start to see a greater-than-expected slowdown in the jobs market, then the forecast for the November Fed meeting could show a greater likelihood of the 50 basis point cut," said Sam Stovall, chief investment strategist at CFRA Research.

"And if the data shows a weakening of the employment picture, then the Fed will feel like they've got to get ahead of the curve."

Traders have been divided over the Fed's move at its November meeting, with bets for quarter of a percentage point reduction now at 61.5%, as per the CME Group's FedWatch Tool. Those for a bigger 50 basis points cut stand at 38.5%, down from 53% last week.

CVS Health CVS.N rose 3.2% in premarket trading aftera report showed hedge fund Glenview Capital Management will meet top executives at the struggling healthcare company to propose ways it can improve operations.

Automakers Ford F.N dropped 3.6% andGeneral Motors GM.N lost 4.9% after European peer Stellantis NV STLAM.MI slashed its annual forecasts.

Lithium miners such as Albemarle ALB.N rose nearly 1%, and ArcadiumALTM.N climbed1% after top metals consumer China's central bank, in its latest stimulus move, said it would tell banks to lower mortgage rates for existing home loans.

U.S.-listed shares of Alibaba BABA.K rose 5%, Li Auto jumped 6.9% LI.O and PDD PDD.O climbed 5% tracking domestic stocks that saw their biggest single-day rally since 2008.

Markets also kept an eye on aworker union's port strike on the East Coast and the Gulf of Mexico that could cause delays and snarl supply chains.

Reporting by Johann M Cherian and Purvi Agarwal in Bengaluru; Editing by Maju Samuel


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