XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

U.S. STOCKS Dyne Therapeutics, Maxeon Solar, chip stocks

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Wall Street's main indexes fell over 1% on Tuesday as investors assessed subdued factory activity data ahead of a slew of labor market reports due through the week that could influence the extent of monetary policy easing by the Federal Reserve. .N

At 13:31 ET, the Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI was down 1.07% at 41,119.43. The S&P 500 .SPX was down 1.47% at 5,565.51 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC was down 2.41% at 17,286.405.

The top three S&P 500 .PG.INX percentage gainers:
** DexCom DXCM.O, up 5.4%
** Molson Coors Beverage TAP.N, up 5.2%
** Ulta Beauty ULTA.O, up 3.7%

The top three S&P 500 .PL.INX percentage losers:
** Vistra VST.N, down 9.4%
** Constellation Energy CEG.O, down 8.2%
** KLA KLAC.O, down 8.2%

The top NYSE .PG.N percentage gainer:
** Sable Offshore SOC.N, up 44.1%

The top two NYSE .PL.N percentage losers:
** Theriva Biologics TOVX.N, down 25.3%
** Four Seasons Education FEDU.N, down 23.6%

The top three Nasdaq .PG.O percentage gainers:
** SPAR Group SGRP.O, up 65.2%
** BranchOut Food BOF.O, up 62%
** TC BioPharm TCBP.O, up 44%

The top three Nasdaq .PL.O percentage losers:
** Windtree Therapeutics WINT.O, down 57.2%
** CURRENC Group CURR.O, down 47.5%
** Dyne Therapeutics DYN.O, down 34.6%

** United States Steel X.N: down 4.7%
BUZZ - Slides as Harris calls for company to remain American-owned nL4N3KL0GK

** M&T Bank MTB.N: up 0.8%
BUZZ - JP Morgan upgrades M&T Bancorp to 'overweight' on improving credit trends nL4N3KL0KJ

** News CorpNWSA.O: down 4.1%
BUZZ - Down as Australian property listings unit considers bid for UK's Rightmove nL4N3KL0MK

** Xylem XYL.N: down 4.8%
BUZZ - Falls after TD Cowen cuts to 'hold' on decelerating revenue trends nL4N3KL0MB

** Polestar Automotive Holding UK PSNY.O: up 13.1%
BUZZ - Up after EV maker names former Stellantis executive as CFO nL4N3KL0NO

** Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA.O: down 2.9%
BUZZ - 'Murky' path forward for Walgreens, Leerink Partners says nL4N3KL0XB

** Boeing BA.N: down 7.4%
BUZZ - Shares fall as Wells Fargo downgrades to 'underweight' on cash flow woes nL4N3KL0WH

** Unity Software U.N: up 3.7%
BUZZ - Rises after Morgan Stanley upgrades to 'overweight' nL4N3KL0M6

** Southwest Airlines LUV.N: up 2.5%
BUZZ - Up after Evercore upgrades to 'outperform' nL4N3KL0OV

** Vaxcyte PCVX.O: up 38.3%
BUZZ - Hits all-time high on positive early-stage data for pneumococcal vaccine nL4N3KL0XS

** BHP Group BHP.N: down 5.1%

** Rio Tinto RIO.N: down 4.5%

** Freeport-McMoRan FCX.N: down 6.0%

** Southern Copper SCCO.N: down 4.6%
BUZZ - Copper miners fall as red metal prices hit two-week low on China demand fears nL4N3KL129

** Exxon Mobil XOM.N: down 1.7%

** Chevron CVX.N: down 1.6%

** Murphy Oil MUR.N: down 3.5%

** Marathon Oil MRO.N: down 2.9%
BUZZ - Oil firms fall as Chinese demand concerns overshadow Libya's export halt nL4N3KL0R4

** SPAR Group SGRP.O: up 65.2%
BUZZ - Shares gain on Highwire Capital's take-private plan nL4N3KL0RH

** Applied Optoelectronics AAOI.O: up 7.2%
BUZZ - Gleams as Raymond James turns bullish nL1N3KL0F1

** Novocure NVCR.O: down 16.6%
BUZZ - Falls as CEO Asaf Danziger to step down nL4N3KL0WV

** Jazz Pharmaceuticals JAZZ.O: down 4.9%
BUZZ - Slides on $850 mln convertible debt deal plans nL1N3KL0H1

** Recursion Pharmaceuticals RXRX.O: down 17.2%
BUZZ - Falls on mixed mid-stage study data for rare disorder drug nL4N3KL0YU

** Devon Energy DVN.N: down 3.7%

** Phillips 66 PSX.N: down 4.4%

** ConocoPhillips COP.N: down 3.0%

** Diamondback Energy FANG.O: down 3.8%
BUZZ - US energy sector falls as oil drops 3% on report of possible end to Libya dispute nL4N3KL0XD

** Sable Offshore SOC.N: up 44.1%
BUZZ - Hits all-time high after settling litigation with California county nL4N3KL0ZQ

** MGM Resorts International MGM.N: down 3.3%
BUZZ - Shares slips on $675 mln proposed senior notes offering nL4N3KL0ZS

** Alphabet GOOGL.O: down 2.6%
BUZZ - Down after Morgan Stanley cuts price target nL4N3KL0ZWnL4N3KL0ZW

** CME Group CME.O: down 1.7%
BUZZ - Falls as BofA downgrades to 'underperform' on competition concerns nL4N3KL0ZX

** Simon Property Group SPG.N: down 1.3%
BUZZ - Slips after long-time bull downgrades nL1N3KL0K9

** Dyne Therapeutics DYN.O: down 34.6%
BUZZ - Slumps on safety concerns over drug trial, management changes nL4N3KL0YB

** Maxeon Solar Technologies MAXN.O: down 17.6%
BUZZ - Drops after withdrawing profit forecast, flagging revenue-hit in Q3 nL4N3KL12I

** Embecta EMBC.O: up 1.9%
BUZZ - Rises on US FDA clearance of its insulin patch pump nL4N3KL14V

** Nvidia NVDA.O: down 7.3%

** Advanced Micro Devices AMD.O: down 6.0%

** Intel INTC.O: down 7.5%

** Micron Technology MU.O: down 6.5%
BUZZ - Chip stocks fall after UBS reports drop in July semiconductor sales nL4N3KL141

The 11 major S&P 500 sectors:

Communication Services


down 1.53%

Consumer Discretionary


down 0.77%

Consumer Staples


up 1.10%



down 2.13%



down 0.19%



up 0.13%



down 1.93%

Information Technology


down 3.41%



down 1.68%

Real Estate


up 0.47%



up 0.29%

(Rajarshi Roy and Anuja Bharat Mistry)


Javobgarlikdan voz kechish: XM Group korxonalari har biri faqat ijro xizmatlarini koʻrsatadi va onlayn savdo platformamizdan foydalanish huquqini beradi, bu odamga veb-saytda yoki veb-sayt orqali mavjud boʻlgan kontentni koʻrish va/yoki undan foydalanishga ruxsat beradi hamda uni oʻzgartirishga moʻljallanmagan va uni oʻzgartirmaydi yoki kengaytirmaydi. Bunday kirish va foydalanish huquqi doimo quyidagilarga boʻysunadi: (i) Shartlar va qoidalar; (ii) Risklar haqida ogohlantirish; va (iii) Javobgarlikni toʻliq rad etish. Shuning uchun bunday kontent umumiy maʼlumot sifatida taqdim etiladi. Xususan, shuni esda tutingki, bizning onlayn savdo platformamiz mazmuni moliyaviy bozorlarda biror bitimni amalga oshirishga oid maslahat yoki taklif emas. Har qanday moliyaviy bozorda savdo qilish sizning kapitalingiz uchun jiddiy risk darajasini oʻz ichiga oladi.

Onlayn savdo platformamizda chop etilgan barcha materiallar faqat taʼlim/axborot maqsadlari uchun moʻljallangan va unda moliyaviy, investitsiya soligʻi yoki savdo maslahatlari va tavsiyalar; yoki bizning savdo narxlarimizning qaydlari; yoki har qanday moliyaviy vositalar bilan bitim tuzish maslahati yoki taklifi; yoki sizga kerak boʻlmagan moliyaviy reklama aksiyalari hisoblanmaydi

Har qanday uchinchi tomon kontenti, shuningdek XM tomonidan tayyorlangan kontent, masalan: fikrlar, yangiliklar, tadqiqotlar, tahlillar, narxlar va boshqa maʼlumotlar yoki bu veb-saytda joylashgan uchinchi tomon saytlariga havolalar umumiy bozor sharhi sifatida "boricha" taqdim etiladi va investitsiya maslahatini tashkil etmaydi. Har qanday kontent investitsiya tadqiqoti sifatida talqin qilinsa, siz bunday kontentni investitsiya tadqiqotlarining mustaqilligini ragʻbatlantirish uchun moʻljallangan qonun talablariga muvofiq moʻljallanmagan va tayyorlanmaganligini eʼtiborga olishingiz va qabul qilishingiz kerak, shuning uchun unga tegishli qonunlar va qoidalarga muvofiq marketing kommunikatsiyasi sifatida qaraladi. Mustaqil boʻlmagan investitsiya tadqiqoti va yuqoridagi maʼlumotlarga oid risk haqida ogohlantirishimizni oʻqib chiqqaningizga va tushunganingizga ishonch hosil qiling, unga bu yerdan kirish mumkin.

Riskdan ogohlantirish: Kapitalingiz risk ostida. Kredit yordamiga ega mahsulotlar hammaga ham toʻgʻri kelmasligi mumkin. Bizning Risklardan ogohlantirishimiz bilan tanishib chiqing.