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US law firm Motley Rice appeals $396 mln opioid fee award

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By Brendan Pierson

June 24 (Reuters) - U.S.law firm Motley Rice is appealing its award of $396 million for its work on litigation against the drug industry over the opioid crisis that resulted in $46 billion in nationwide settlements.

The firm said it would appeal the award, which represents 18.6% of a $2.13 billion pool of fees to be divided among dozens of law firms, in a notice filed Friday in Cleveland federal court. It did not say how much it was asking for or on what basis it was challenging the award.

Motley Rice had already won a bump in fees after objecting earlier in the allocation process, up from 17.2%, or $366 million, according to a June 7 court filing.

The firm did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Several other firms have secured awards in the hundreds of millions of dollars and have not appealed them.

Other firms that filed notices of appeal are Spangenberg Shibley & Liber; Kelley Ferraro; Crueger Dickinson; Stranch, Jennings & Garvey; and Weisman, Kennedy & Berris. All of those firms received less than 2% of the funds.

The fees stem from settlements that local and Native American tribal governments have reached with drugmakers Johnson & Johnson JNJ.N, AbbVie ABBV.N and Teva Pharmaceutical Industries TEVA.TA; distributors Cencora COR.N, McKesson MCK.N and Cardinal Health CAH.N; and pharmacies CVS CVS.N, Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA.O and Walmart WMT.N.

They do not include a settlement of up to $6 billion with bankrupt OxyContin maker Purdue Pharma, which is funded by that company's Sackler family owners in exchange for a shield from future lawsuits. The U.S. Supreme Court is currently weighing whether that settlement is legal.

Opioid settlements, including both the nationwide deals and separate agreements negotiated by individual states, now total well over $50 billion. However, many state and local governments have yet to develop detailed plans for how they will spend the money to remedy the harms caused by opioids.

More than 800,000 people in the United States died of opioid overdoses from 1999 through 2023, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Plaintiffs in the lawsuits say that drugmakers downplayed the drugs' risks, and that distributors and pharmacies ignored red flags that they were being diverted into illegal channels, fueling an epidemic of addiction.

Read more:

Top law firms in US opioid lawsuits to get hundreds of millions in fees

US Supreme Court torn over Purdue Pharma bankruptcy settlement


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