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US judge orders Google to open up app store to competition

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Adds detail from ruling, paragraphs 7-8

Judge's order includes a three-year restriction on in-app payment prohibitions

Google plans to appeal the verdict

Epic's lawsuit accused Google of monopolizing app access and in-app payments

By Mike Scarcella

Oct 7 (Reuters) -A U.S. judge on Monday ordered Alphabet's GOOGL.O Google to overhaul its mobile app business to give Android users more options to download apps and to pay for transactions within them, following a jury verdict last year for “Fortnite” maker Epic Games.

The injunction by U.S. District Judge James Donato in San Francisco outlined the changes Google must undertake to open up its lucrative app store, Play, to greater competition, including making Android apps available from rival sources.

Donato's order said that for three years Google cannot prohibit the use of in-app payment methods and must allow users to download competing third-party Android app platforms or stores.

The order restricts Google from making payments to device makers to preinstall its app store and from sharing revenue generated from the Play store with other app distributors.

Google and Epic did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Alphabet shares were down 2.2% following the ruling. Donato said Epic and Google must establish a three-person technical committee to implement and monitor the injunction. Epic and Google each get a pick, and those two members will select the third person.

Google has said it plans to appeal the verdict that led to the injunction, and it could ask the San Francisco-based 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to pause Donato’s order pending appeal.

Donato said his injunction would go into effect on Nov. 1, which he said will give Google time to “bring its current agreements and practices into compliance.”

Epic’s lawsuit, filed in 2020, accused Google of monopolizing how consumers access apps on Android devices and how they pay for in-app transactions.

The Cary, North Carolina-based company persuaded a jury in December 2023 that Google unlawfully stifled competition through its controls over app distribution and payments, paving the way for Donato's injunction.

Google had urged Donato to reject Epic’s proposed reforms, arguing they were costly, overly restrictive and could harm consumer privacy and security. The judge mostly dismissed those arguments during an August hearing.

“You’re going to end up paying something to make the world right after having been found to be a monopolist,” he told Google's lawyers.

In a separate antitrust case in Washington, U.S. District Judge Amit Mehta on Aug. 5 ruled for the U.S. Justice Department and said Google had illegally monopolized Web search, spending billions to become the internet’s default search engine.

Google also began a trial in September in Virginia federal court in a Justice Department lawsuit over its dominance in the market for advertising technology.

Google has denied the claims in all three cases.

Reporting by Mike Scarcella in Washington
Editing by David Bario and Matthew Lewis


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