XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

UK ship insurer West sees problems paying claims with sanctions-hit Russian provider

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By Jonathan Saul

LONDON, July 23 (Reuters) -Paying claims for ships involved in accidents or collisions with other vessels covered by sanctions-hit Russian insurer Ingosstrakh will prove difficult, UK ship insurer West said, in another sign of complications with Moscow's oil trade.

In June Ingosstrakh, which provides services to Russian oil exporters including ship insurance cover, was added to the UK's sanctions list of Russian entities in what the British government said was part of efforts to "ramp up economic pressure on Moscow".

West is among 12 clubs offering protection and indemnity insurance to ships, which covers third-party liability claims including environmental damage and injury. The 12 insurers, which form the International Group of P&I clubs, cover around 90% of the world's ocean-going tonnage.

In one of the first industry responses to the UK sanctions, West said in an advisory this week it "may be constrained on our ability to provide cover for members with regard to any liabilities incurred with another vessel insured by Ingosstrakh".

This is especially the case where that is by way of a planned operation such as a ship-to-ship transfer of oil, it said.

In the event of a collision with an Ingosstrakh-insured vessel, West added that its members "are advised that the club may need to seek a licence to pay or reimburse any resulting liabilities".

"Such a licence may take time to obtain, if indeed it can be obtained at all."

Ingosstrakh, which has said it may legally challenge the UK sanctions, did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

"By targeting Ingosstrakh, the UK aims to stop the provision of insurance cover for these shadow fleet vessels which was largely supplied by Ingosstrakh, making it considerably more challenging for these ships to access ports," Jonathan Moss, global head of transport at law firm DWF, wrote in a July note.

Up to 850 oil tankers are estimated to form the so-called shadow fleet transporting oil from countries such as Iran and Venezuela as well as Russia, which has multiple restrictions on its oil exports.

Reporting by Jonathan Saul and Moscow bureau


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