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UK inflation pressures stay hot, reducing chance of August rate cut

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UK consumer price inflation 2% in 12 months to June

Economists had mostly expected slight slowdown to 1.9%

Services inflation holds at 5.7%

Investors pare bets on Aug. 1 BoE rate cut

Taylor Swift tour might have fuelled inflation - economist

Adds comments by Deloitte and Deutsche Bank economists, details and background

By William Schomberg and David Milliken

LONDON, July 17 (Reuters) -British inflation held at 2.0% last month, defying forecasts for a slight fall, and strong underlying price pressures prompted investors to scale back bets that the Bank of England will cut interest rates for the first time since 2020 next month.

Increases in hotel prices - in a month when U.S. pop star Taylor Swift and other performers toured the UK - were partly to blame for the higher-than-expected inflation number, underscoring the BoE's concern about services prices.

Ian Stewart, chief economist at Deloitte, said Britain's once-towering headline inflation was now lower than in the United States and the euro area after past jumps in food and energy prices fell out of the numbers, but this looked temporary.

"A pick-up in UK activity since the start of the year means that the service sector is generating quite high levels of inflation," Stewart said. "That suggests the Bank of England has limited scope to cut rates this year."

Economists polled by Reuters had mostly expected headline consumer price inflation would ease to 1.9% in the 12 months to June, extending its drop from a peak of 11.1% in October 2022.

Inflation for services was 5.7%, the Office for National Statistics said, unchanged from May. The Reuters poll had pointed to a slightly weaker 5.6% increase.

Investors pared back bets on a BoE rate cut on Aug. 1, the date of its next scheduled monetary policy announcement, to about 35%, down from just under 50% before the data. Sterling rose by about a quarter of a cent against the U.S. dollar to its highest in a year at just over $1.30.

The BoE took comfort from May's fall in consumer price inflation to its 2% target for the first time in nearly three years. But it has expressed concern about the strength of services inflation, which largely reflects pressure from wage growth in a labour market short of candidates to fill jobs.


Deutsche Bank chief UK economist Sanjay Raja said the increase in hotel prices might reflect the Taylor Swift tour. Although this rise could well reverse in July's data, overall Wednesday's inflation numbers would not be encouraging for the BoE.

"We now think that an August rate cut is finely balanced. A lot will now depend on the strength of the May wage and unemployment data," he said.

Data due on Thursday is expected to show wages are still rising by almost 6% a year - roughly double the rate that would be compatible with keeping inflation at 2%.

An interest rate cut on Aug. 1 would give an early boost to new Prime Minister Keir Starmer and his finance minister Rachel Reeves after a landslide election victory two weeks ago.

The new government's legislative agenda - including its plans to boost economic growth - is due to be announced in parliament later on Wednesday.

But last week the BoE's Chief Economist Huw Pill said the timing of the first rate cut remained an open question. On Tuesday, the International Monetary Fund's chief economist, Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas, said services inflation in Britain, like in the United States, was likely to prove sticky.

Core inflation - excluding volatile food and energy prices - held at 3.5% in the 12 months to June, the ONS said, matching the median forecast in the Reuters poll.

The BoE had expected headline inflation of 2.0% in June and services inflation of 5.1%, according to forecasts it published two months ago. The BoE also expected headline inflation to rise back above its target later this year and through 2025.

The ONS said upward pressures on headline inflation in June included a smaller fall in the costs of second-hand cars than in June last year, as well as the increase in hotel prices.

But clothing prices fell as retailers resorted to discounting to entice shoppers still feeling the impact of a cost-of-living squeeze and wetter-than-usual summer weather.

Writing by William Schomberg; Editing by Kate Holton and Christina Fincher


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