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Trump to hold first campaign rally after assassination attempt

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By Tim Reid

GRAND RAPIDS, July 20 (Reuters) - Donald Trump will hold his first campaign rally on Saturday since he narrowly escaped an assassination attempt one week ago and fresh from his nominating convention where his takeover of the Republican Party was cemented.

Trump will appear in Grand Rapids, in the battleground state of Michigan, along with his new vice presidential pick, Ohio U.S. Senator J.D. Vance. It will be their first campaign event together as the now official Republican presidential ticket.

Republican Party officials said during Trump's nominating convention in Milwaukee this week that his brush with death last Saturday had changed him, and that when he made his acceptance speech on Thursday night he would call for national unity.

While Trump began the address with a call for unity and national healing, much of his speech was his well-known list of grievances and attacks on opponents.

It is unclear what type of a speech Trump will deliver on Saturday, but his diehard supporters typically flock to such events to hear Trump's more traditional inflammatory rhetoric.

Trump and Vance will take the stage in Grand Rapids with the Republican Party unified behind them after this week's nominating convention. In contrast, the Democrats are in turmoil and it is no longer certain that President Joe Biden will be the Democratic nominee facing Trump in the Nov. 5 election.

Biden is facing mounting calls from many elected officials in his own party to step aside as the party's White House candidate and to end his re-election bid, after his poor debate performance against Trump last month.

Biden is trailing in opinion polls and is behind in every swing state against Trump. Many Democrats fearhe may havevirtually no path to victory and that the party needs a new presidential candidate to take on Trump.

The rally in Grand Rapids will be in an indoor arena, unlike the event in Butler, Pennsylvania last weekend, which was outdoors. At that event, the gunman was able to scale the roof of a building outside the Secret Service perimeter before opening fire on Trump, clipping his ear, killing a rally-goer and wounding several others.

The U.S. Secret Service, which is responsible for protecting Trump, declined to comment on security for the Grand Rapids event. An investigation is under way into the security failures at the Butler rally.

"The Secret Service does not discuss the means and methods used for our protective operations," the agency said in a statement.

Trump gave a detailed account of his narrow brush with death in his convention speech on Thursday, telling the audience that he was only talking to them "by the grace of Almighty God."

Reporting by Tim Reid in Grand Rapids, editing by Ross Colvin and Alistair Bell


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