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TomTom suspends 2025 targets as weak car demand hits sales

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Adds detail, share price and CFO comment, paragraphs 3,6,7,8,11

By Mathias de Rozario and Leo Marchandon

July 15 (Reuters) -Digital mapping specialist TomTom TOM2.AS suspended its revenue target for 2025 and trimmed its expectations for this year on Monday as weak demand for new cars weighs on its automotive location technology business.

The Amsterdam-based company said it would not meet its 600 million euro ($654 million) target for 2025 location technology revenue and that 2024 sales are expected to be at the lower end of its previously indicated range of 570 million to 610 million euros.

TomTom's shares were down 8.1% at 5.12 euros by 0813 GMT

"A combination of downward revisions for near-term car production volumes and delays in new model introductions has resulted in a generally less predictable market environment," Chief Executive Harold Goddijn said in the earnings statement.

European new car sales were down 3% year on year in May.

"There's nothing fundamentally going wrong here, but there are some headwinds in automotive that's affecting our revenue, in the short term," finance chief Taco Titulaer told Reuters.

Sales in the automotive location technology business fell by about 4% to 87.3 million euros in the second quarter, accounting for more than half of TomTom's total revenue of 152.2 million euros.

Titulaer said that group sales were also affected by its new mapping platform, TomTom Orbis, taking longer than expected to come online.

TomTom said it would provide new targets for next year when it reports 2024 full-year results.

For the second quarter it posted a 5.2 million euro loss before interest and tax, widening from a loss of 3.6 million euros a year earlier. The consensus from analyst forecasts compiled by the company was a loss of 4 million euros.

TomTom is also deepening and extending its collaboration with Microsoft MSFT.O, including adoption of TomTom Orbis across its products, with a new contract running until the end of this decade, Titulaer said.

($1 = 0.9179 euros)

Reporting by Mathias de Rozario and Leo Marchandon in Gdansk
Editing by Milla Nissi and David Goodman


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