XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Tiny Singapore's chip hub retains a big punch

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The authors are Reuters Breakingviews columnists. The opinions expressed are their own. Updates to add graphic.

By Robyn Mak, Anshuman Daga

HONG KONG/SINGAPORE, June 21 (Reuters Breakingviews) -Tiny Singapore is punching above its weight in global chipmaking. NXP Semiconductors and Vanguard International Semiconductor Corporationunveiled plans this monthto build a $7.8 billion factory in the city-state. It follows fresh investments from GlobalFoundries GFS.O, Micron Technology MU.O and others showcasing Singapore's expertise in the industry. Retaining that edge will soon get trickier.

While Taiwan dominates high-end chip-manufacturing, Singapore has carved out a slice of the global tech supply chain making low-end chips vital to electric cars, smartphones and more. Its highly-productive workforce, well-developed research and manufacturing infrastructure, and sophisticated logistics have helped boost semiconductor manufacturing to 7% of GDP. The government also supports the industry through friendly policies and tax breaks.

Today, Singapore accounts for just over a tenth of global chip output and a fifth of semiconductor-equipment production; the city has emerged as the largest production hub outside the United States for U.S.-based firms including Applied Materials and Micron.

That makes Singapore a logical choice for NXP and Vanguard's joint venture. The new factory will produce 130 nanometer to 40 nm chips using technology TSMC developed some two decades ago. It's a commoditised market where profit margins and returns are generally low.

But Singapore isn't a cheap place to make stuff. The all-in cost of manufacturing goods exported to the United States, including labour costs and fuel and electricity prices, is the highest in Southeast Asia and nearly 15% more than Malaysia, it's larger neighbour, per Boston Consultant Group's Global Manufacturing Cost Competitive Index.

Malaysia's growing ambitions therefore pose a threat. It is a vital semiconductor hub for packaging, assembling and testing, and is eyeing opportunities in manufacturing, design and advanced packaging as global firms diversify Asian supply chains from China and Taiwan. The country boasts 450 times more land than Singapore and has scored some early wins: Germany's Infineon Technologies INFXGn.DE said last year it would invest 5 billion euros ($5.4 billion) to "significantly expand" its existing plant; Nvidia NVDA.O supplier Kinsus Interconnect Technology 3189.TWO is, according to the Financial Times, mulling building a factory in Penang.

Countries around the world are racing to build up their chipmaking capabilities. As rivalspress their advantage, Singapore could soonbe vulnerable.

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Vanguard International Semiconductor and NXP Semiconductors on June 5 announced a plan to create a joint venture which will build a new wafer manufacturing facility in Singapore for $7.8 billion.

Construction will commence in the second half of 2024, with production starting in 2027, the two companies said. Taiwan-based Vanguard, in which TSMC holds a 28% stake, will own 60% of the joint venture and the Netherlands-based NXP the rest.

Singapore's labour productivity is among the world's highest https://www.reuters.com/graphics/BRV-BRV/zgvonkleapd/chart.png

Editing by Una Galani and Aditya Srivastav


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