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Swedish inflation slows in June, paving way for more rate cuts

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Headline inflation 1.3% in June, below forecast

Lowest figure since mid-2021

Supports Riksbank plans for more rate cuts in H2

Adds analyst comment in paragraph 4, currency reaction, graph

By Simon Johnson

STOCKHOLM, July 12 (Reuters) -Swedish inflation slowed to its lowest pace in more than three years in June, data published on Friday showed, supporting plans by the central bank to ease policy further after cutting rates in May for the first time in eight years.

Headline inflation slowed to 1.3% from the same month last year, the statistics office (SCB) said, dropping more than expected and falling below the central bank's 2% target for the first time since July 2021.

Stripping out volatile energy prices, a measure the central bank is looking closely at currently, inflation was 2.3% compared to a year earlier.

In May, headline inflation was 2.3% and inflation excluding energy, 3.0%.

"Inflation looks to yet again undershoot expectations and risks are tilted to more (and quicker) cuts than our current forecast of cuts in August, November and December," Swedbank said in a note.

Headline inflation was the lowest since December 2020, when the annual pace was just 0.5%, while inflation excluding energy was the slowest since December 2021.

All the figures were better than forecasts by analysts and by the Riksbank and the crown currency weakened on the figures. EURSEK=.KIXI

Core inflation in neighbour Norway, where the central bank does not expect to cut rates until next year, also fell at a faster rate than expected in June.

The Swedish statistics office said lower prices for clothes, hotel visits and cultural services contributed to the slowdown in inflation.

Inflation has fallen back rapidly since peaking at over 10% at the end of 2022, allowing the central bank to start cutting rates in May.

It left the policy rate unchanged at 3.75% at its most recent meeting, in late June, but said thenit could make up to three more cuts before the end of the year if price pressures continue to ease.

The Riksbank forecast headline inflation of 1.5% in June compared to the same month a year earlier. Stripping out volatile energy prices, the forecast was for inflation of 2.5%.

Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast inflation of 1.6% and 2.5% respectively.

The Riksbank will announce its next policy decision on Aug. 20. It has four more policy meetings this year.

Swedish rates and inflation: http://tmsnrt.rs/1qEN4Rz

Reporting by Simon Johnson; editing by Niklas Pollard and Susan Fenton


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