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S&P 500, Nasdaq firm after Fed signals upcoming rate cut

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Updates prices, adds background, analyst comment and Fed chair Powell press briefing

By Chibuike Oguh

NEW YORK, July 31 (Reuters) -The S&P 500 and Nasdaq extended early gains on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve left U.S. interest rates unchanged but indicated it couldbegin easing monetary policy in September ifinflation cools.

Ten out of 11 sectors of the benchmark S&P 500 .SPX advanced, led by technology and consumer discretionary stocks. The Nasdaq and the blue-chip Dow also rose.

The Fed kept its benchmark overnight interest rate in the 5.25%-5.50% range as it ended its two-day policymaking meeting on Wednesday, but opened the door to easing in September, seven weeks shy of the November U.S. elections.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average .DJI rose 0.82%, to 41,077.32, the S&P 500 .SPX gained 1.97% to 5,543.34 and the Nasdaq Composite .IXIC gained 3.08% to 17,674.89.

During his press conference, Fed Chair Jerome Powell saidpolicymakers discussed the case for cutting rates, but a "strong majority" agreed that now was not the appropriate time.

"It was the worst kept secret on the planet that the Fed was not going to cut in July," said Jake Dollarhide, chief executive of Longbow Asset Management in Tulsa, Oklahoma. "The Fed is going to have its day in the sun in September with a 25 or 50 basis point cut, but I would not be surprised if that is already priced into stocks."

"The statement didn't move the needle at all," said Mark Malek, chief investment officer at Siebert Next in New York, referring to the Fed's official statement. "But listening to him speak, it's clear they're all locked and loaded for September rate cut and they're going to maintain their optionality."

Data released early Wednesday showed July U.S. private payrolls increased far less than expected, indicating an easing in persistent labor market tightness.

Nvidia NVDA.O rose nearly 14%, helped a rosy 2024 sales forecast for artificial intelligence chips by peer Advanced Micro Devices AMD.O, whose shares were up 4%. The Philadelphia SE Semiconductor index .SOX rose nearly 7%.

Microsoft dipped nearly 1% after it reported massive AI-related expenses. Meta META.O jumped 2% ahead of its results due after markets close. Apple AAPL.O and Amazon.com AMZN.O, which will report earnings on Thursday, gained 1.7% and 3%, respectively.

Advancing issues outnumbered decliners by a 4.14-to-1 ratio on the NYSE. On the Nasdaq, 3,090 stocks rose and 1,104 fell as advancing issues outnumbered decliners by 2.8-to-1.

The S&P 500 posted 66 new 52-week highs and one new low. The Nasdaq Composite recorded 162 new highs and 92 new lows.

Reporting by Chibuike Oguh in New York; Additional reporting by Noel Randewich in Oakland, California; Editing by Richard Chang


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