XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Soccer-Portugal must be ready to deal with criticism, says coach Martinez

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Sept 4 (Reuters) -Portugal manager Roberto Martinez said on Wednesday that he understands the criticism levelled against his side after Euro 2024, as high expectations are to be expected due to their talented squad.

As Portugal prepare to host Croatia in their Nations League opener on Thursday before welcoming Scotland in League A Group One on Sunday, Martinez said that he took positives from their penalty shootout defeat to France in the quarter-finals at the Euros and that his side will be stronger for the experience.

"Criticism is part of the demand we will always have. But the internal demands are even stronger than the demands of the fans," Martinez told a press conference on Wednesday.

"We always want to win but the big tournaments have the best players in the world, so games are decided by details. The detail is often a penalty where the ball goes in or out.

"We showed character, we controlled the game against France and we grew a lot as a team. The group was ready to play two more games, but I really liked our character. We did very well in many aspects."

Martinez said his players are experienced enough to deal with the pressure and turn the page on the heartbreaking shootout loss after a goalless stalemate, which summed up Portugal's disappointing campaign, as they struggled to be effective up-front.

The Spanish manager said that his main focus was to build his team around their attack and that the fans should expect a more aggressive side than the one they saw in Germany.

"We're looking forward to getting back on the pitch. (The fans) can expect to see a Portugal team full of energy and with a lot of desire, playing an attacking style of football," Martinez said.

"We want to play in attack and tomorrow we have an interesting test because Croatia are a team that like to have the ball. There will be two teams fighting for the ball.

"Portugal will be very ambitious and keen to get back on the pitch. We want to bring joy to our fans again. I know my players' skills, but their personality and attitude are incredible."

Reporting by Fernando Kallas
Editing by Toby Davis


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