XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Soccer-Motta predicts an open game between solid Juventus and Leipzig

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Oct 1 (Reuters) -Juventus have yet to concede a goal in the league this season and face another solid defence when they take on RB Leipzig in the Champions League, but it will be an open game, manager Thiago Motta said on Tuesday.

The Italian side have played six Serie A games without conceding while Leipzig have the best defensive record in the Bundesliga where they are unbeaten after five games and conceded two goals.

"The numbers mean a lot, it gives us solidity," Motta told reporters ahead of Wednesday's away game in Leipzig.

"We are two teams that don't sit back and wait for the opponent's mistakes. I expect an open game, a dynamic match against a competitive team who play good football.

"To do well we will have to play with quality and maintain a good defensive phase as we have done so far, facing different teams, as well as the offensive phase of course."

The only goal Motta's side have conceded this season came in their opening Champions League game, a 3-1 win over PSV Eindhoven, but the manager dismissed suggestions there was one Juventus in the league and another in Europe.

"It's not a question of the cup or the league. All games are different, when it comes to how we will face the opponent," Motta said.

"One thing is certain, we will not sit back, we will always try to compete for control of the game.

"We have never played defensively, not even in the league, and we will not do it this time."

Motta has no injury worries and remained tight-lipped about who would make his starting lineup but he has already made his mind up over who will take to the pitch against Leipzig.

"No doubts about the formation, I am very sure of the choices," Motta said.

"Of course, that's if nothing happens between now and the game. I can't tell you, but the players already know the team."

Reporting by Trevor Stynes
Editing by Toby Davis


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