XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Soccer-Juve determined to excel in Europe and Italy, says coach Motta

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Oct 21 (Reuters) -Juventus manager Thiago Motta believes his side must continue to improve as they seek to maintain consistency in the Champions League and Serie A and he also backed forward Kenan Yildiz.

Juve host VfB Stuttgart on Tuesday having started the Champions League with a perfect record after opening with a 3-1 home win over PSV Eindhoven and a 3-2 victory at RB Leipzig

Motta's team have been prolific in Europe, netting six goals in those two matches, but their forward line has been less effective in Serie A, managing 11 goals in eight games.

"There is no difference between the league and the Champions League," Motta told reporters on Monday. "We must always have the same attitude, each match is a story in itself - with evolving strategies and situations.

"It's not just us who have difficulties against teams that close down well, everyone struggles, football is like that and that's why we have to give our all and believe until the end.

"We must continue to improve in all aspects, both in terms of the game and mentally. We hope to perform well, playing good football, that is the way we will have a chance of winning."

Asked about Turkish teeanger Yildiz, who has not scored in eight Serie A appearances, his only goal this season coming against PSV, Motta said: "I'm happy with the work Yildiz does on the pitch, he puts all his quality at the disposal of the team."

"He can certainly do better. He was only born in 2005 and he's already making an impact. I'm happy with what I see both as a wide player and when he comes in more centrally."

Juventus, third in Serie A on 16 points from eight matches, visit second-placed Inter Milan, who have 17, on Sunday but Motta emphasised that his team were fully focused on Stuttgart.

"We have to fight to control the game because Stuttgart play good football and involve a lot of players in the offensive phase," he said.

Stuttgart are looking to bounce back having suffered a 4-0 thrashing at Bayern Munich in the Bundesliga on Saturday.

The Germans are on a four-game winless run in all competitions. In the Champions League, they lost 3-1 in their opener at Real Madrid and drew 1-1 at home to Sparta Prague.

Reporting by Shifa Jahan in Bengaluru; Editing by Ken Ferris


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