XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Six foreign nationals found dead in Bangkok hotel, Thai PM orders probe

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Updates with context on tourism sector, paragraphs 11-13

By Panarat Thepgumpanat and Chayut Setboonsarng

BANGKOK, July 16 (Reuters) -Six people were found dead at an upmarket hotel in Bangkok on Tuesday, including at least one American national of Vietnamese descent, the Thai government said, as the prime minister ordered a swift investigation to stem any damage to the tourism sector.

The Thai police said in a separate statement that the six people were all foreign nationals.

The incident, which took place at Bangkok's plush Grand Hyatt Erawan hotel, comes as Thailand looks to further promote its tourism sector, a key driver of Southeast Asia's second largest economy.

"The prime minister has ordered all agencies to urgently take action to avoid impact on tourism," the Thai government said in its statement.

A police official, speaking on condition of anonymity, dismissed earlier reports in Thai media that the six people had been killed in a shooting.

"There is no sign of a shooting," the official told Reuters, adding that there were Vietnamese nationals among the dead. The official did not elaborate further.

The U.S. and Vietnamese embassies in Bangkok did not respond to calls from Reuters.

Police officers found the bodies of six deceased foreign nationals at the Grand Hyatt Erawan after receiving a call from the hotel's staff at around 5.30 pm reporting that there had been deaths, the Thai police said in its statement.

Police and medical services could not immediately be reached for further comment.


The Grand Hyatt Erawan, which has over 350 rooms and is located in a popular tourist district known for luxury shopping and restaurants, did not immediately respond to calls or an email seeking comment.

More than 28 million foreign tourists visited Thailand last year, spending 1.2 trillion baht ($33.71 billion) in the country, where other key sectors of the economy have been slow in recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic.

The government expects 35 million foreign arrivals this year, on the back of longer visa stay periods and waivers for several nationalities.

The tourism sector was shaken last October by a shooting spree at a luxury shopping mall, close to the Hyatt, in which two foreigners were killed, prompting government measures to improve confidence.

Reporting by Panarat Thepgumpanat, Chayut Setboonsarng and Panu Wongcha-um; Writing by Devjyot Ghoshal and Poppy McPherson; Editing by Gareth Jones


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