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Shipping firms respond to Houthi attacks in Red Sea

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July 17 (Reuters) -Attacks on vessels in the Red Sea by Iran-aligned Houthi militants have disrupted a shipping route vital to east-west trade, with prolonged rerouting of shipments pushing freight rates higher and causing congestion in Asian and European ports.

Below are actions taken by some shipping companies (in alphabetical order):


The French shipping group has suspended most Red Sea voyages but is still sending some cargoes on a case by case basis when French navy escorts are possible, Chairman and CEO Rodolphe Saade said on Feb. 29.

The company expects disruptions to commercial shipping to last months.


The company's vessels are avoiding the Suez Canal.

"Suez Canal transits are running about 40% below those seen during the first half of December last year. This is partially the result of several operators including ourselves avoiding the area," President Anastasios Margaronis said on Feb. 23.


The Belgian oil tanker firm said on Dec. 18 it would avoid the Red Sea until further notice.


The Taiwanese container shipping line said on Dec. 18 its vessels on regional services to Red Sea ports would sail to safe waters nearby, while ships scheduled to pass through the Red Sea would be rerouted around Africa.


The Norway-based oil tanker group said on Dec. 18 that its vessels would avoid the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden.


The Norwegian auto carrier said on Dec. 21 its vessels were restricted from passing through the Red Sea.


The Norwegian shipping firm said on Jan. 12 it had halted all ships heading towards or within the Bab al-Mandab Strait.


The German container shipping line, which in January decided to reroute its vessels around Africa until further notice, said on June 11 it did not expect the shipping industry to resume sailing in the Red Sea even if a ceasefire between Hamas and Israel was reached immediately.

It said on March 14 that the Red Sea disruptions and global vessel oversupply would force it to cut expenses in 2024, including adapting sailings.

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The South Korean container shipper said on Dec. 19 it had ordered ships that would normally use the Suez Canal to reroute around Africa.


The Norwegian auto carrier said on Dec. 20 it would stop sailing via the Red Sea.

On Feb. 8, it said the disruptions were adversely impacting its capacity and volumes.


The Norway-based fleet operator said on Jan. 16 it would not trade any of its vessels through the Red Sea until the situation improves.


The Swiss logistics group said on March 1 it expected the impact from the Red Sea crisis to last into the coming quarters and impact its second-quarter operating profit in a low double-digit million Swiss francs range.

On April 23, CEO Stefan Paul said that the company expected freight rates to normalise towards the end of the second quarter.


The Danish shipping group, which suspended Red Sea traffic on Jan. 5 "for the foreseeable future", said on July 17 it was experiencing a cascading impact from disruptions in the region, with congestions to its entire ocean network.

On July 1, it forecast that the upcoming months would be challenging for carriers and businesses, as disruptions continue into the third quarter.


Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) said on Dec. 16 its ships would not transit through the Suez Canal.


Japan's biggest shipper by sales suspended navigation through the Red Sea for all vessels it operates, a spokesperson told Reuters on Jan. 16.


The joint venture between Japan's Kawasaki Kisen Kaisha 9107.T, Mitsui O.S.K. Lines 9104.T and Nippon Yusen said on Dec. 19 it would reroute vessels from the Red Sea to the Cape of Good Hope or temporarily pause journeys and move to safe areas.


The Hong Kong-headquartered container group said on Dec. 21 it had instructed its vessels to either divert away from the Red Sea or suspend sailing. It also stopped accepting cargo to and from Israel until further notice.


Star Bulk's CEO said on Feb. 13 that the Greece-headquartered company would halt sailings through the Red Sea after Houthis attacked two of its ships.


The Lidl unit, which transports non-food goods for the discount supermarket chain and goods for third-party customers, said in December it was sailing around Africa for now.


The Danish oil tanker group said on Jan. 12 it had decided to pause all transits through the southern Red Sea for now.


The Norwegian shipping group said on Dec. 19 it would halt Red Sea transits until further notice.


The Taiwanese container shipping company said on Dec. 18 it would divert ships via the Cape of Good Hope for the next two weeks. It has given no further update.

Type of goods shipped via the Suez route https://tmsnrt.rs/3NBsrTC

Vessels re-routing around Africa https://tmsnrt.rs/3NVTcCz

Singapore port congestion shows global ripple impact of Red Sea attacks nL8N3IH07O

Compiled by Paolo Laudani, Izabela Niemiec, Jesus Calero, Louis van Boxel-Woolf, Tristan Veyet, Elsa Ohlen and Tomasz Kanik in Gdansk; Editing by Alexander Smith and Milla Nissi


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