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Romania's Premier Energy shares surge 8% in stock exchange debut

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BUCHAREST, May 28 (Reuters) -Romania-based solar and wind power developer Premier Energy ROPE.BX rose more than 8% in its debut on the Bucharest Stock Exchange on Tuesday, after a flotation the company said would raise funds for further investment.

The shares were trading at 21.1 lei ($4.62) by 1120 GMT, up from their IPO price of 19.50 lei, which had valued the company at 2.4 billion lei ($525 million).

The listing of a 28.75% stake in the company, owned by Czech investment firm Emma Capital, follows the Bucharest listing last year of state-owned hydropower producer Hidroelectrica ROH2O.BX, one of Europe's largest IPOs.

"Premier Energy's listing consolidates the energy and utilities sector proving ... that the bourse is one of the main funding channels for companies with ambitious plans," Bucharest Stock Exchange President Radu Hanga told a news conference.

The company has 1,000 megawatts (MW) of green projects either under ownership, management or in development in Romania and Moldova, and also supplies and distributes natural gas and electricity.

It aims to use the proceeds from the IPO, which totaled roughly 695 million lei before tax, to make further renewable energy acquisitions and projects.

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) bought 11% of the company's shares on offer, giving it a 3% stake in the company post-IPO, it said in a statement.

"EBRD participation was important for the success of the IPO, anchoring the issuance and attracting other investors," the statement said.

In March, Premier Energy said it aimed to boost its renewable energy portfolio to 1.5 gigawatts (1,500 MW) over the next two to three years.

"The funds drawn through this IPO will enable us to accelerate investment in renewable energy and expand our operations in Romania and Moldova, thus contributing to the region's energy transition," Chief Executive Jose Garza said.

Citigroup Global Markets Europe, UniCredit Bank (Milan Branch) and Wood & Co acted as joint global coordinators for the offering. Alpha Bank Romania and BT Capital Partners acted as joint bookrunners.

STJ advisors acted as financial adviser to the company while UniCredit acted as ESG (environment, social and governance) adviser.

($1 = 4.5679 lei)

Reporting by Luiza Ilie; Editing by Bernadette Baum and David Holmes


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