XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Raw sugar slides off 7-month peak, arabica off 13-year high

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Adds comments and closing prices

NEW YORK, Sept 27 (Reuters) - Raw sugar futures on ICE slid off seven-month highs on Friday while arabica came off 13-year peaks, though both still posted weekly gains amid persistent worries over drought in top producer Brazil.

Cocoa futures rose meanwhile.


* October raw sugar SBc1 ​settled down 0.52 cent, or 2.2%, at 22.79 cents per lb. It gained 0.6% in the week, stabilising after last week's 19% surge.

* Dealers said producers were taking advantage of the recent price surge to sell, adding there were indications India might produce enough sugar to export around 2 million metric tons next season.

* Overall though, sugar remains in an uptrend. Brazil will produce 2 million tons less sugar in the 2024/25 season - or 39 million in total - due to severe drought and related wildfires, BMI said.

* Broker StoneX said Brazil will produce 2.5% more sugar or 40.6 million tons in total next season but attributed the increase to more cane being allocated to sugar over ethanol. It expects cane crushing, by contrast, to drop 3.2% due to the adverse weather.

* Russia will produce 10% less sugar next season due to adverse weather but will export at least 600,000 tons after an export ban was lifted, IKAR consultancy said.

* December white sugar LSUc1 ​​fell 3% to $576.20 a ton.


* December arabica coffee KCc1 settled down 4.75 cents, or 1.7%, at $2.6915 per lb​. The contract gained 7.3% in the week.

* Forecasters said Brazil's weather will remain mostly dry over the next 6-10 days in the main coffee areas, which will stress the trees further.

* Some traders cited worries about a possible port strike in the United States that could hurt the flow of containers with coffee to the world's largest consumer.

* November robusta coffee LRCc2 fell 0.8% at $5,482 a ton. It rose 2% weekly.


* December New York cocoa CCc1 ​​rose 2% to $8,281 a ton. It gained 8% in the week.

* Favourable weather in top grower Ivory Coast is improving the main crop outlook and is helpingkeep a lid on prices for now.

* Also, Ivory Coast has significantly curbed the hoarding of beans in September using the threat of sanctions against buyers and cooperatives, sources said.

* March London cocoa LCCc2 ​rose 2.7% to 4,746 pounds per ton.

Reporting by Nigel Hunt and Marcelo Teixeira; Editing by Jason Neely, Kirsten Donovan, Mohammed Safi Shamsi, Tasim Zahid and Alan Barona


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