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Qualcomm has explored acquiring pieces of Intel chip design business, sources say

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Qualcomm has explored buying pieces of Intel’s design business, sources say

Qualcomm is interested in Intel’s PC business, a source says

Intel explores sale of various units ahead of a board meeting in September, sources say

By Anirban Sen, Max A. Cherney, Milana Vinn and Mike Spector

SAN FRANCISCO/NEW YORK, Sept 5 (Reuters) -Qualcomm QCOM.O has explored the possibility of acquiring portions of Intel's INTC.O design business to boost the company's product portfolio, according to two sources familiar with the matter.

The mobile chipmaker has examined acquiring different pieces of Intel, which is struggling to generate cash and looking to shed business units and sell off other assets, the people said.

Intel’s client PC design business is of significant interest to Qualcomm executives, one of the sources said, but they are looking at all of the company’s design units.

Other pieces of Intel such as the server segment would make less sense for Qualcomm to acquire, another source with knowledge of Qualcomm's operations said.

Qualcomm has not approached Intel about a potential acquisition and declined to comment on its plans, an Intel spokesperson said. Intel is "deeply committed to our PC business," the spokesperson said.

Qualcomm declined to comment.

The $184 billion Qualcomm, which is known for chips found in smartphones and counts Apple APPL.O as a customer, has been working on plans to buy pieces of Intel for months. Qualcomm’s interest and plans have not been finalized and could change, according to the sources.

The two sources declined to be named as they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.

Intel reported a disastrous second quarter last month, which included a 15% reduction in its staff and a pause on paying dividends. Executives are grappling with how to continue to fund the company’s manufacturing plans and generate cash.

Its PC client business revenue dropped 8% to $29.3 billion last year, amid overall weakness in the PC market.

Once known for it's "Intel Inside" marketing campaign, Intel’s client group makes laptop and desktop chips used in machines around the world. Executives have said the introduction of artificial intelligence PCs will drive consumers to upgrade their computers and generate more sales.

Qualcomm generated $35.82 billion in overall revenue in its last fiscal year.

Earlier this week Intel launched a new PC chip called Lunar Lake that its executives said offers superior performance for AI applications. Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. 2330.TW fabricated significant portions of the chips, which Intel historically did in-house.

Intel's board is set to meet next week to weigh a proposal from Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger and other executives on how totrimits operations in an attempt to save cash. Potential options include a sale of its programmable chip unit, Altera, Reuters reported.

Max A. Cherney in San Francisco and Anirban Sin, Milana Vinn and Mike Spector in New York; Editing by Kenneth Li


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