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Prospect of big Fed rate-cut keeps gold at record levels

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Federal Reserve's policy meeting due on Wednesday

US dollar down 0.3% against its rivals

Gold to hit $2,900 by end of 2025, ANZ analysts say

Updates as of 1832 GMT

By Anushree Ashish Mukherjee

Sept 16 (Reuters) -Gold prices extended gains to an all-time high on Monday, supported by a weaker dollar and the prospect of a big rate reduction by the U.S. Federal Reserve at its policy meeting this week.

Spot gold XAU= was up 0.2% at $2,581.37 an ounce by 2:32 p.m. ET (1832 GMT), after touching a record high of $2,589.59. U.S. gold futures GCcv1 settled 0.1% lower to $2,608.90.

The dollar index .DXY eased 0.3%, making the bullion more attractive to buyers holding other currencies. USD/

"Fifty basis points rate cut (from the Fed) is priced in the market right now. That's why gold futures are as high as they are and I think that gold futures will come down if we only see a 25 basis point cut," said Phillip Streible, chief market strategist at Blue Line Futures.

The focal point of this week is the Fed interest rate decision due on Wednesday. Traders' expectations are for a 61% chance of a cut of 50 basis points, according to the CME FedWatch tool.

The latest attempt on former president Trump created some political uncertainty that would tend to be positive for gold, said Peter A. Grant, vice president and senior metals strategist at Zaner Metals.

The FBI said that Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump was the subject of a second assassination attempt on Sunday.

Bullion is considered a safe asset during political and economic uncertainty. It also tends to thrive in a low-rate environment as higher rates reduce the appeal of holding non-yielding gold.

"We expect recovery in strategic investments in gold will push prices higher. A 100 bp cut could see 200–250 (metric) tons of exchange traded funds (ETF) net flows over the coming months," ANZ analysts said in a note. GOL/ETF

"We expect gold prices to move towards $2,700 in the short term and reach a high of $2,900 by the end of 2025," the note added.

Spot silver XAG= gained 0.3% to $30.74 an ounce. Platinum XPT= shed 1.2% to $983.21 and palladium XPD= was up 0.5% at $1,073.95.

Spot gold price in USD per oz https://reut.rs/3MMf425

Reporting by Anushree Mukherjee in Bengaluru; Editing by Barbara Lewis, Shreya Biswas and Alan Barona


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