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PARIS OLYMPICS 2024: What you need to know right now

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Updates with Biles gold, tennis

PARIS, July 30 (Reuters) -Simone Biles, the most decorated gymnast of all-time, won herfifth Olympic gold for the United States in the women's team final on Tuesday, cementing her status as one of the world's greatest athletes.

Meanwhile, the triathlon, set to be a centrepiece of the Olympics, was postponed due to excessive pollution levels in Paris' river Seine.

Here's what you need to know about the Olympics on Tuesday:


AmericanBiles clinched gold in the team final as she made a triumphantreturn to the Olympic stage three years after withdrawing from the same event in Tokyo.

Biles started off on the vault, from which she soared high into the air while executing the Cheng to earn 14.900 points.


Women's second seed Coco Gauff's challenge wilted as she was knocked out in the third round 7-6(7) 6-2.

Gauff was left in tears at a crucial moment of the second set when an over-ruled line call saw her slip 4-2 behind, the American becoming embroiled in a lengthy row with the umpire and tournament supervisor.

Rafa Nadal and CarlosAlcaraz combined their formidable firepower to down Dutchmen Tallon Griekspoor and Wesley Koolhof and reach the quarter-finals of the men's tennis doubles.


Britain's Nathan Hales clinched the men's trap gold at the Paris Games with an Olympic record, while Serbia'spistol shooters Zorana Arunovic and Damir Mikec stood atop the podium in the 10-metre air pistol mixed team contest.


Tokyo these Games are not. But several athletes have tested positive, including Australian swimmer Lani Pallister, a medal hope in the women's 1,500 metres freestyle who had to withdraw from the event.


Pollution levels in the Seine remained too high for the men's triathlon to take place on Tuesday, World Triathlon said in a statement, leaving athletes facing more uncertainty.

The race is now scheduled for Wednesday, after the women's event. Should levels of bacteria remain too high, the men's and women's races are likely to be postponed to Friday.


And we're not just talking about the fight for medals. State forecaster Meteo France announced a high of 37 degrees Celsius (98.6°F) in Paris, triggering heat protocols in some events.

Soccer players were allowed water breaks, tennis players could use additional breaks to take a shower, BMX riders sat under umbrellas in between runs, and horses were monitored with thermal cameras.


Olympic debutant Stephane Landois won eventing silver on a grey gelding that once belonged to a close friend who died five years ago in a tragic riding accident.


It is not often that siblings qualify for Olympic badminton together -- and even less common that two pairs of siblings meet in a women's doubles match. But that is what happened in badminton on Tuesday as Bulgarian sisters Stefani and Gabriela Stoeva overcame twins Annie and Kerry Xu of the United States.

($1 = 0.9211 euros)

Reuters Olympics coverage home https://www.reuters.com/sports/olympics/

Explainer: Olympics schedule, map, medals table, sports guides https://www.reuters.com/graphics/OLYMPICS-2024/EXPLAINER/byprqrwmqve/

Compiled by Ingrid Melander, Rachel Armstrong, Simon Jennings and Ian Ransom; Editing by Peter Rutherford, Ken Ferris and Hugh Lawson


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