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PARIS OLYMPICS 2024: What you need to know right now

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PARIS, July 29 (Reuters) -South Korea returned to the top of the medal table on Monday with a win in the archery while China remained on course for a clean sweep of golds in the diving.

Meanwhile, Paris 2024 faced a nerve-wracking wait to learn if the River Seine would be clean enough on Tuesday to hold the men's triathlon. Swimming training was cancelled for a second straight day due to pollution levels.

Here's what you need to know about the Olympics on Monday:


South Korea won gold in the men's team archery to claw their way back to the top of medal table ahead of China. France put up a fight but South Korea's sharp shooters piled on the pressure, hitting the bullseye with all but one of their arrows in the third set.

China is second in the table, with golds on Monday in the shooting and diving. Yang Hao and Lian Junjie victory in the men's synchronised 10 metre platform event kept China's bid to win all eight diving golds alive.

Gold in the men's slalom C-1 canoeing propelled France to third spot in the table.


Paris Olympics organisers cancelled the triathlon swimming training session in the Seine river for a second day on Monday, 24 hours before the men's race, after heavy rain late last week increased both pollution levels and the speed of the current.

A final call on whether Tuesday's race will go ahead will be made at 4 a.m., based on samples from the river taken 24 hours before.


Vandals targeted France's telecoms networks overnight, piling pressure on French security services trying to secure the Olympics after authorities said they suspected left-wing groups of attacking rail lines ahead of the opening ceremony in Paris.


Britain's Tom Pidcock fought his way wheel-to-wheel down a narrow descent in a thrilling battle with France's Victor Koretzky to retain his Olympic men's mountain bike title.


British swimmer AdamPeaty tested positive for COVID a day afterItaly's Nicolo Martinenghi beat him to gold inthe men's 100 metres breaststroke and ended his "three-peat" bid to win the same event at three successive Games.

Peaty said he was hopeful to be back in competition for the relay events later in the swimming programme.


Sailors donned ice vests to beat the searing Mediterranean heat in Marseille.

Daytime temperatures in the south of France of around 30 Celsius, combined with light breezes, means some teams are employing "heat protocols".


Judo's governing body is to investigate why Algeria's Messaoud Redouane Dris failed the weigh-in for his under 73 kg bout with Israel's Tohar Butbul at the Paris Olympics, saying athletes can become "victims of broader political disputes".


Paris Olympics organisers said on Monday they have dealt with complaints from athletes about food at the Games.

The quality and quantity of food drew criticism from competitors after catering staff rationed breakfast eggs last week.

($1 = 0.9211 euros)

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Explainer: Olympics schedule, map, medals table, sports guides https://www.reuters.com/graphics/OLYMPICS-2024/EXPLAINER/byprqrwmqve/

Compiled by Rachel Armstrong and Richard Lough; Editing by Peter Rutherford and Alison Williams and Christian Radnedge


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