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Olympics-Swimming-Italy's Ceccon wins men's 100 metres backstroke gold

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By Ian Ransom

PARIS, July 29 (Reuters) -World record holder Thomas Ceccon made a thrilling late surge to claim the men's 100 metres backstroke gold and give Italy a second swimming title at the Paris Olympics on Monday.

The former world champion touched the wall in exactly 52 seconds, edging China's silver medallist Xu Jiayu by three-tenths of a second at La Defense Arena.

American Ryan Murphy took bronze and was brave in his bid for a second Olympic gold in the event, eight years after being champion at the 2016 Rio Games.

Italy have had a lively start to the meet, with Nicolo Martinenghi upsetting champion Adam Peaty from lane seven for the 100 metres breaststroke title on Sunday, in the biggest shock of the opening days.

Ceccon's gold has lifted the Italians, who also grabbed bronze in the men's 4x100 metres freestyle relay, to a lofty third on the medal table behind Australia and the U.S. after three days of competition.

For the rangy Ceccon, it was confirmation of his talent since announcing himself with the world record in 2022 and claiming the world title in Budapest that year.

He lost that title to Murphy last year at Fukuoka and said the rollercoaster of swimming had drained him physically and mentally.

"The more you think about it the more this thing is exhausting," the 23-year-old told reporters.

"I also said it some time ago my obsession is this medal, and if I didn't win today I wouldn't have gone home happy.

"It was very exhausting but I won, so for now I'm happy."

Twice world champion Xu led for most of the race but faded in the finish to claim a second 100m backstroke silver, eight years after his first as runner-up to Murphy.

Murphy's near-miss meant the U.S. were denied a gold out of five on offer on day three but the Chicago native was happy to add a seventh Olympic medal to his haul over three Games.

"Getting third behind Thomas and Xu, they're both really, really talented guys," he said.

"I'm really not disappointed in that. The Europeans are incredible, they're swimming well.

"We (the U.S. team) do have some really good shots at gold and we're going to get those touches at some point."

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Reporting by Ian Ransom; Editing by Hugh Lawson


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