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Ocado shares jump after tech arm margin guidance lifted

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Sees "mid-teens" technology EBITDA margin in 2023-24

Sees cash flow improving by 150 million pounds

CEO says investors shouldn't be concerned

Shares jump 15%

Updates shares paragraph 4, analyst comment paragraph 7, CEO comment paragraph 9

By James Davey

LONDON, July 16 (Reuters) - Britain's OcadoOCDO.L lifted the annual profit margin guidance for its key warehouse technology division on Tuesday, reassuring investors and prompting a recovery in its battered shares.

The group runs an online supermarketin Britain through a joint venture with Marks & Spencer MKS.L and also sells its cutting-edge warehouse technology to retailers around the world.

Prior to the update, its shares had slumped 55% this year, with themarket spooked by a slowdown in the rollout of robotic sites and modules for its retail partners.

But the stock jumped 15% on Tuesday after the profit margin and group cash flow guidance were lifted, and CEO Tim Steiner told Reuters investors had no reason to worry.

"I'm not concerned that investors are losing confidence because they shouldn't be losing confidence. We've got a clear plan and we're executing that clear plan," Steiner said.

Citi analysts said the share price reaction was to be expected, given weakness in recent days.

"There is a lot of ground to make up for Ocado to get to where many analysts hoped it would be by now," said John Moore, senior investment manager at RBC Brewin Dolphin.

Ocado said last month its Canadian supermarket partner Sobeys had paused the opening of a fourth robotic warehouse, or customer fulfilment centre, as Ocado calls them. Ocado's partner in the United States, supermarket group KrogerKR.N, has also slowed down its rollout of sites.

Steiner said he still expected Sobeys to eventually open a fourth site and highlighted that Kroger had seen strong recent growth in grocery deliveries.

Ocado was talking to potential new partners and had "a strong pipeline of interest," he said, adding that Ocado did not need to raise additional capital, pointing to liquidity of over 1 billion pounds ($1.30 billion).

Ocado said it now expected thetechnology solutions division to achieve a "mid-teens" EBITDA margin in the 2023-24 year, versus previous guidance of over 10%.

It forecast underlying cash flow would improve by 150 million pounds, above previous guidanceof 100 million pounds.

First-half underlying earnings, or adjusted EBITDA, Ocado's preferred measure, was 71.2 million pounds, up from 16.6 million pounds. Revenue rose 12.6% to 1.5 billion pounds.

Ocado said it had a "clear roadmap" to turn cash flow positive during its 2025/26 year.

Its first half pretax loss narrowed to 154 million pounds from 290 million pounds and finance chief Stephen Daintith said it was on track to be profitable at the pretax level in four or five years.

($1 = 0.7712 pounds)

Reporting by James Davey; editing by Sarah Young, Sachin Ravikumar, Kate Holton and Bernadette Baum


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