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New York mayor taps Randy Mastro to serve as city's top lawyer

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By Sara Merken

July 30 (Reuters) -New York City Mayor Eric Adams on Tuesday formally nominated litigator Randy Mastro to lead the city's law department.

Mastro, now a partner at law firm King & Spalding, served from 1994 to 1998 as chief of staff and deputy mayor for operations for then-New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani.

Adams nominated Mastro as the city's corporation counsel, who leads the New York City Department of Law and represents the mayor's office, city agencies and city council in all civil litigation, the mayor's office said.

Mastro's expected nomination faced opposition, including from the New York city council's Black, Latino and Asian Caucus, which in April cited "his professional track record representing dubious clients" in a statement calling him unfit to serve. The caucus did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Tuesday.

Prominent lawyers including former U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch publicly supported Mastro, according to statements released by the mayor's office on Tuesday.

Mastro told Reuters on Tuesday that he has met with the majority of city council members in the past few months and hopes to meet with all members during the confirmation process.

He said it was "humbling and gratifying" to have received support from members of the legal community and some union leaders, including the Uniformed Firefighters Association of Greater New York.

A city council spokesperson said in a statement that the council would consider the nomination within 30 days of formally receiving it at its next meeting.

While at law firm Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, Mastro was hired by former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie to investigate whether laws were broken when a top Christie aide ordered seemingly politically motivated traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge. The investigation cleared Christie of wrongdoing in 2014.

Mastro also represented Chevron in U.S. litigation over the fate of a $9.5 billion environmental judgment against the oil giant in Ecuador, persuading a federal judge in New York that the award was obtained by fraud.

He left Gibson Dunn for King & Spalding in 2022. King & Spalding in a Tuesday statement said the firm wished him success.

If confirmed by the city council, Mastro would replace acting corporation counsel Muriel Goode-Trufant, who took over after Sylvia Hinds-Radix stepped down in May, the mayor's office said.

Reporting by Sara Merken


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