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Motor racing-Perez impresses in qualifying, but knows race day is what counts

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SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS, Belgium, July 27 (Reuters) -Red Bull's Sergio Perez put in an impressive drive in qualifying for the Belgian Grand Prix on Saturday, where he will start on the front row, but he knows it is all about what happens on race day that is important for a driver who needs to score points.

Perez had the third fastest time in the wet, and moved up to second on the grid alongside Ferrari's Charles Leclerc thanks to his team's decision for Max Verstappen, quickest in qualifying, to take a 10-place grid penalty for taking on a fifth engine.

The Mexican has taken just 21 points from the last seven races, which has allowed McLaren move to within 51 points of Red Bull in the constructors' championship, fuelling speculation that Perez could be dropped after the August break.

"From my point of view, it doesn't change anything. You know, I've always said it's not where we are now, it's how you ride the waves and where we finish in Abu Dhabi," Perez said.

"I think tomorrow is a new day, a new opportunity. It would have been the same if I was knocked out in Q2. Tomorrow is a new opportunity to do better.

"And the way I see it, it's tomorrow that really counts."

Perez crashed out of qualifying in the first phase in the last two races, so staying on the track in the wet conditions was already important, but taking second on the grid was the perfect way to go into the final race before the break.

Despite the rumours and the pressure, Perez doesn't feel like Belgium is make or break for his Red Bull future.

"If I don't have a good race tomorrow, I will try to have a good one in Zandvoort," Perez said.

"It's how it is, this is a sport and sometimes it goes your way, sometimes you have to fight and nothing goes in your direction, but I think it's just the nature of the sport."

With three-time world champion and current leader Verstappen starting 11th on the grid, Red Bull will be looking to Perez to make a good start on Sunday, and perhaps claim his first win of the season.

"We'll see, you know, it's a very long race ahead of us. I think tomorrow degradation will be quite tricky, and graining with this new tarmac," Perez said.

"I think there are a lot of unknowns still, but I've got a good feeling for tomorrow, so we'll see."

Reporting by Trevor Stynes; editing by Giles Elgood


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