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Microsoft deal signals booming demand from data centers to power AI

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Adds Constellation Energy and Microsoft deal in paragraphs 4 and 5

Aug 12 (Reuters) -U.S. utilities are finally signing concrete supply deals with data-center operators as the artificial-intelligence wave sparks a surge in power demand, paving the way for higher profits in the coming quarters.

Data centers are expected to account for 8% of the power generated in the U.S. by 2030, compared with 3% in 2022, according to a Goldman Sachs report in May.

Here are some deals announced by utilities in 2024:

Constellation Energy CEG.O signed an exclusive deal with Microsoft MSFT.O to restart one of the units at the Three Mile Island nuclear plant in Pennsylvania.

Under the agreement, the utility will provide 835 megawatts (MW) of energy to the tech giant's data centers. The deal would also mark the first ever restart of a nuclear power plant in the U.S. after it was shut down.

Ameren AEE.N signed a supply deal with a data center with a power capacity of 250 megawatt (MW). It has also received expansion commitments and executed new contracts for more 85 MW of additional load for smaller data centers and other industries across Missouri and Illinois.

Alliant Energy LNT.O said it has executed multiple power supply deals with data centers, but did not disclose details.

Exelon EXC.O said it is in the engineering phase for more than 5 GW of data center capacity. Some data-center customers have also made deposits for ComEd - Exelon's subsidiary - to order transmission and breakers, the firm said during a post-earnings call.

American Electric Power AEP.O signed letters of intent to power an additional 15 GW of data centers by the end of the decade.

Xcel Energy XEL.O will supply power to Meta Platforms' META.O data center in Minnesota, expected to come online in late summer 2025.

Entergy ETR.N has received legislative approval for investment in transmission and generation to serve Amazon's AMZN.O upcoming Amazon Web Services (AWS) facility in Mississippi.

Pinnacle West Capital PNW.N has more than 4,000 MW of committed data center customers, not including the backlog of more than 10,000 data center requests it has received.

AES AES.N signed an agreement with Google GOOGL.O for 310 megawatts to support its Ohio data centers.

It further expanded a previously announced partnership with Google and signed a 15-year power purchase agreement for 727 megawatts in Texas.

Talen Energy TLN.O announced a deal to supply electricity and its 960-megawatt data center campus to Amazon's AWS in Pennsylvania.

NextEra's renewables segment saw a rise of 3 gigawatts (GW) worth of renewables and storage projects in second quarter, including Google's 860 megawatts (MW) demand for its data center power.

Reporting by Vallari Srivastava in Bengaluru; Editing by Sriraj Kalluvila


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