XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Italy - Factors to watch on July 22

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The following factors could affect Italian markets on Monday.

Reuters has not verified the newspaper reports, and cannot vouch for their accuracy. New items are marked with (*).

For a complete list of diary events in Italy please click on IT/DIA.


Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni said she would still be able to work with Ursula von der Leyen despite her Brothers of Italy party having voted against a second term for the German as head of the European Commission.

Meloni's decision not to back Ursula von der Leyen as European Commission chief was driven by fear of losing rightwing grassroots supporters, analysts say, but may curb her influence over EU choices.


Treasury announces sale of BTP Short and BTPei bonds, with relative amounts to be auctioned on July 25.



ENI CEO Claudio Descalzi met Congo Republic President Denis Sassou Nguesso in Brazzaville on Saturday, the company said.

Descalzi set out the successful launch of the Congo LNG project. With the second phase of the project, which will start at the end of 2025, gas exports from Congo will rise to 4.5 billion cubic metres per year.

They also discussed agri-feedstock production projects for bio-refining under way in the country.

Descalzi had met Nigeria's President Bola Tinubu on Friday to discuss new initiatives focused on energy transition, signalling a potential breakthrough in a long dispute over the OPL 245 oilfield.


The automaker paid $190.7 million in civil penalties for failing to meet U.S. fuel economy requirements for 2019 and 2020, and owes another $459.7 million in outstanding penalties, Reuters reported on Friday citing government documents.


UniCredit wants to cut staff in its central offices and will send some employees into early retirement while offering others the chance to retrain and be moved to "more productive" roles, CEO Andrea Orcel told Il Messaggero on Sunday mentioning in particular the CFO office and human resources staff.


The three nations involved in the Global Combat Air Programme (GCAP) – UK, Italy, and Japan – have unveiled a new concept model of the next generation combat aircraft at the Farnborough International Airshow, the defence group said in a statement on Monday. The combat aircraft is set to be in service in 2035.


Swiss insurer Zurich Insurance Group ZURN.S is studying a potential deal for Italy's FinecoBank FBK.MI, daily Il Messaggero reported on Saturday. Should Zurich decide to go ahead, KKR KKR.N and Advent International could form part of a consortium, the report added.


Asked about potential interest in M&A, Chief Executive Alberto Galassi was quoted as saying: "We will spend our cash, we are waiting for the right opportunity," by L'Economia - Corriere della Sera on Monday. He added that the group has no debt and that new investors are interested in the company as "it is worth exponentially more than its market capitalisation".


Unit Nextchem, through its subsidiary Stamicarbon, has been selected by China's Linguu Chemical Co. to provide the licensing and process design package to improve the energy efficiency of an existing urea plant in China with an overall capacity of 3,100 metric tonnes per day, the group said on Monday.


JP Morgan on Monday cut the group's shares to 'Underweight' from 'Neutral'.


BID-GO Srl reopens full mandatory takeover bid on Go Internet shares; ends on July 26.

(*) ITA (not listed)

The Italian carrier expects its revenues to exceed 4 billion euros ($4.35 billion) in 2025, earlier than forecast, its chairman was quoted as saying by Corriere della Sera on Sunday, after it reorganises operations under an agreement to sell part of the business.


Italian fashion house Dolce&Gabbana is ready to consider opening up its capital to new investors either through a listing or other financial instruments, its chief executive said on Monday.


Rome, Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni meets European Council President Antonio Luis Santos da Costa (0830 GMT), attends policymakers' meeting on Italy's Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) (1430 GMT).

Rome, Cabinet meeting 1530GMT).

Rome, Iren IREE.MI holdsnews conference to present newhub for the recovery of raw materials and precious metals with Chairman Luca Dal Fabbro, Industry Minister Adolfo Urso(1400 GMT).

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Javobgarlikdan voz kechish: XM Group korxonalari har biri faqat ijro xizmatlarini koʻrsatadi va onlayn savdo platformamizdan foydalanish huquqini beradi, bu odamga veb-saytda yoki veb-sayt orqali mavjud boʻlgan kontentni koʻrish va/yoki undan foydalanishga ruxsat beradi hamda uni oʻzgartirishga moʻljallanmagan va uni oʻzgartirmaydi yoki kengaytirmaydi. Bunday kirish va foydalanish huquqi doimo quyidagilarga boʻysunadi: (i) Shartlar va qoidalar; (ii) Risklar haqida ogohlantirish; va (iii) Javobgarlikni toʻliq rad etish. Shuning uchun bunday kontent umumiy maʼlumot sifatida taqdim etiladi. Xususan, shuni esda tutingki, bizning onlayn savdo platformamiz mazmuni moliyaviy bozorlarda biror bitimni amalga oshirishga oid maslahat yoki taklif emas. Har qanday moliyaviy bozorda savdo qilish sizning kapitalingiz uchun jiddiy risk darajasini oʻz ichiga oladi.

Onlayn savdo platformamizda chop etilgan barcha materiallar faqat taʼlim/axborot maqsadlari uchun moʻljallangan va unda moliyaviy, investitsiya soligʻi yoki savdo maslahatlari va tavsiyalar; yoki bizning savdo narxlarimizning qaydlari; yoki har qanday moliyaviy vositalar bilan bitim tuzish maslahati yoki taklifi; yoki sizga kerak boʻlmagan moliyaviy reklama aksiyalari hisoblanmaydi

Har qanday uchinchi tomon kontenti, shuningdek XM tomonidan tayyorlangan kontent, masalan: fikrlar, yangiliklar, tadqiqotlar, tahlillar, narxlar va boshqa maʼlumotlar yoki bu veb-saytda joylashgan uchinchi tomon saytlariga havolalar umumiy bozor sharhi sifatida "boricha" taqdim etiladi va investitsiya maslahatini tashkil etmaydi. Har qanday kontent investitsiya tadqiqoti sifatida talqin qilinsa, siz bunday kontentni investitsiya tadqiqotlarining mustaqilligini ragʻbatlantirish uchun moʻljallangan qonun talablariga muvofiq moʻljallanmagan va tayyorlanmaganligini eʼtiborga olishingiz va qabul qilishingiz kerak, shuning uchun unga tegishli qonunlar va qoidalarga muvofiq marketing kommunikatsiyasi sifatida qaraladi. Mustaqil boʻlmagan investitsiya tadqiqoti va yuqoridagi maʼlumotlarga oid risk haqida ogohlantirishimizni oʻqib chiqqaningizga va tushunganingizga ishonch hosil qiling, unga bu yerdan kirish mumkin.

Riskdan ogohlantirish: Kapitalingiz risk ostida. Kredit yordamiga ega mahsulotlar hammaga ham toʻgʻri kelmasligi mumkin. Bizning Risklardan ogohlantirishimiz bilan tanishib chiqing.