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Indian telecom carriers tussle with government over licence fees

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BENGALURU, Sept 19 (Reuters) -India's Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a request by telecom companies including Vodafone Idea VODA.NS and Bharti Airtel BRTI.NS to recalculate how much they owe the government in licence fees.

The long-standing issue has whittled away at debt-ridden Vodafone's cash flow and threatened its survival in the Indian telecom market which is dominated by Airtel and Reliance Industries' RELI.NS Jio.

Here is a timeline of events that led to the latest ruling:

2019: India's top court asks telcos to pay down dues of $13 billion on adjusted gross revenue, leading to a jump in the amount the firms owed the government.

Vodafone says it will ask the federal government for relief on payments of at least $4 billion, and a lobby group warns of catastrophe for the sector.

Airtel and Vodafone hike prices and ask the Supreme Court to review its ruling.

2020: India's top court rejects the companies' petition to review its 2019 ruling. The government orders mobile carriers to immediately pay the dues a day after the Supreme Court threatened the companies and officials with contempt proceedings.

Telecom operators get 10 years from the Supreme Court to pay the dues; firms to pay 10% of the charges owed by March 31, 2021.

2021: Non-executive Chairman Kumar Mangalam Birla steps down from Vodafone, sending shares down and fuelling concerns that the Indian wireless carrier may not survive the government's bill.

Banks, led by State Bank of India SBI.NS, call on the Indian government to give debt-laden Vodafone Idea more time to clear its tax dues and spectrum fees.

Days later, India's federal cabinet approves a relief package for the cash-strapped telecoms sector including a four-year moratorium on the dues.

2022: Vodafone approves the conversion of dues and interest related to spectrum auction installments into equity in Jan.

A month later, the Indian government orders Vodafone to convert its dues of 161.33 billion rupees into equity.

2023: A petition was filed by telcos in September companies, asking the Supreme Court to re-calculate the dues.

2024: Vodafone launches its 180 billion rupee-share sale, planning to use the funds to expand its 4G network, set up 5G networks and pay taxes and dues.

It also issues shares worth 24.58 billion rupees to Nokia and Ericsson to raise capital.

Reporting by Varun Hebbalalu in Bengaluru; Editing by Nivedita Bhattacharjee


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