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In Muslim-majority Indonesia, Pope Francis warns against religious extremism

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Pope Francis urges inter-religious dialogue to counter extremism

Muslim-majority Indonesia's constitution guarantees freedom of religion

By Joshua McElwee and Stefanno Sulaiman

JAKARTA, Sept 4 (Reuters) -Pope Francis on Wednesday urged political leaders in Indonesia, the world's most populous Muslim-majority country, to guard against religious extremism, which he said distorted people's religious beliefs through "deception and violence".

In his first speech during an ambitious 12-day journey across Southeast Asia, where Christians are broadly a small minority of the regional population, the pontiff said the Catholic Church would increase its efforts toward inter-religious dialogue in hopes of helping tamp down extremism.

"In this way, prejudices can be eliminated, and a climate of mutual respect and trust can grow," the 87-year-old pope said in an address to some 300 politicians and religious leaders at Jakarta's Merdeka Presidential Palace.

"This is indispensable for meeting common challenges, including that of countering extremism and intolerance, which through the distortion of religion attempt to impose their views by using deception and violence," said Francis.

Indonesia has a population of about 280 million people and is estimated to be about 87% Muslim. Freedom of religion is guaranteed in the country's constitution.

There have been a few incidents of extremist violence in the country in recent years, including suicide bomb attacks in 2021 and 2022 by persons affiliated with the Islamic State-inspired group Jamaah Ansharut Daulah (JAD).

The 2021 incident took place just before the Christian Easter holiday, and wounded at least 19 people.

Francis was greeted by crowds waving small Vatican and Indonesian flags as his car arrived at the presidential palace.

Dorothea Dawai, a school child aged 10, was among the group welcoming the pope. Wearing a green kebaya, a traditional Indonesian dress, she said she hoped to ask for a blessing.

The pontiff, who suffers from knee and back pain, was seated in a wheelchair as he left his car, and met Indonesia President Joko Widodo outside the building.

The two leaders were saluted by an honour guard playing the Indonesian and Vatican anthems, before heading inside for a private meeting.

Widodo, popularly known as Jokowi, is stepping down in October after 10 years in office.

In his public remarks, Francisdid not mention any specific violent incidents, but made several references to extremism, intolerance and manipulation of religion.

"There are times when faith in God is … sadly manipulated to foment divisions and increase hatred instead of furthering peace, communion, dialogue, respect, cooperation and fraternity," said the pontiff.

Francis' speech came on his first working day of the trip to Southeast Asia and the Pacific, which will also include stops in Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Singapore.

Reporting by Joshua McElwee and Stefanno Sulaiman; Editing by John Mair


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