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Harris, Trump barnstorm Michigan, where polls are tied

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Democrats focus on Trump's past comments about Detroit

Trump pledges peace in Middle East, without giving details

Both Harris and Trump to visit conservative Oakland County

Harris, Trump essentially tied in battleground states

Adds Trump comments from visit to campaign office in Hamtramck, paragraphs 2-4, comments on his energy level, paragraphs 11-13; adds byline, HAMTRAMCK to dateline

By Andrea Shalal and Steve Holland

GRAND RAPIDS/HAMTRAMCK, Michigan, Oct 18 (Reuters) -Democrat Kamala Harris and Republican Donald Trump barreled through the battleground state of Michigan on Friday, where opinion polls show the U.S. presidential candidates are essentially tied just 18 days before the Nov. 5 election.

Former President Trump visited a campaign office in Hamtramck, where he heard praise from the Detroit suburb's first Muslim mayor, Amer Ghalib. Trump was seeking support from Arab Americans in Michigan disenchanted with Democrats, Vice President Harris and President Joe Biden over U.S. support for Israel in the Gaza conflict.

"We all ultimately want one thing. We want peace in the Middle East. We're going to get peace in the Middle East. It's going to happen very fast. It can happen with the right leadership in Washington," Trump said, without elaborating.

Later Trump was to speak in Auburn Hills, a city in Oakland County, north of Detroit, which Biden won by a comfortable margin in 2020. Trump will also return to Detroit - Michigan's largest city - for a rally around 7 p.m. (2300 GMT), after saying on Oct. 10 that the rest of the U.S. would turn into Detroit if Harris won.

Harris will speak in Grand Rapids, the heart of more conservative western Michigan, before heading east to Lansing and then Oakland County on Friday night.

The Midwestern state has about 8.4 million voters and would bring the winner 15 Electoral College votes out of the 270 needed to win, which in several scenarios would be a decisive number. Harris and Trump are battling fiercely for the state's Arab American, senior, union and working-class voters.

Both have sharpened their attacks in recent days.

On Friday, Trump falsely told the "Fox & Friends" program that Harris is Marxist and renewed his attacks on her intelligence.

"I don't think she knows where she is. She's a low-IQ person. She's not smart," he said.
Harris on Friday said reports that Trump was skipping interviews and another presidential debate because he was exhausted raised questions about his fitness for office.

"It should be a concern. If he can't handle the rigors of the campaign trail, is he fit to do the job?" she told reporters before a rally in Grand Rapids. "That's a legitimate question."


Trump, talking to reporters as he arrived in Detroit, rejected such talk.

"I've gone 48 days now without a rest," Trump said.

"I'm not even tired. I'm really exhilarated. You know why? We're killing her in the polls, because the American people don't want her."

On Thursday, Harris said Trump was "gaslighting" the American public about the deadly attack by his loyalists on the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. Trump recently called the assault a "day of love."

In Michigan and other crucial battleground states, either Harris or Trump holds a razor-thin margin over the other , according to public and internal campaign polls. That's worrying Democrats.

Trump won Michigan by 11,000 votes in 2016. In 2020, Biden beat Trump by 155,000 votes.

Harris is shifting the strategy of her whirlwind campaign to win over more Republicans and men of all races. She's also enlisting popular former first lady Michelle Obama, who will campaign for the vice president in Michigan on Oct. 26.

Nationally, Harris' edge has narrowed from a late September lead of 7 percentage points over Trump to just 3 points, Reuters/Ipsos polling shows, with high food and rent prices still worrying Americans and Trump amplifying fears related to migrants crossing the U.S.-Mexico border with increasingly extreme rhetoric.

Reporting by Andrea Shalal and Steve Holland; additional reporting by Doina Chiacu in Washington; Editing by Heather Timmons, Alistair Bell and Jonathan Oatis


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