XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Haiti anti-graft investigators accuse top-ranking officials of corruption

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PORT-AU-PRINCE, Oct 2 (Reuters) -The Haitian government's anti-corruption agency charged five high-profile individuals with corruption on Wednesday, including three members of an interim governing council, over a scandal involving bribing the chairman of a state-owned bank.

The three are voting members of a nine-member council appointed in April to act as the country's executive branch until new elections can be held in the crisis-racked Caribbean island nation.

The council members - diplomat Smith Augustin, politician Louis Gerald Gilles and former judge Emmanuel Vertilaire - are accused of abuse of office, bribery and corruption. They have all rejected the charges.

Haiti's national palace had no immediate comment. The prime minister's office did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The anti-corruption body, known as the ULCC, also accused local official Lonick Leandre, the alleged orchestrator of the bribery scandal, and Raoul Pascal Pierre-Louis, the then-chairman of the Banque Nationale de Credit, of involvement in the corruption case.

ULCC investigators have requested the extradition of Raoul Pascal Pierre-Louis from the United States.

Leandre denies the charges, while Pierre-Louis, who has been accused with obstructing justice in the case, has not spoken out on the charge. Reuters was not able to reach him for comment.

In late July, Pierre-Louis published a letter accusing the council members of demanding a bribe equivalent to nearly $770,000 in exchange for retaining him in his post, adding that he feared for his safety.

"At first I thought it was a joke," Pierre-Louis is quoted as saying in the ULCC report, describing how Leandre and a council member collected phones in a hotel room before demanding the bribe.

According to the agency's report, Pierre-Louis did not have the funds and instead offered credit cards with a $20,000 limit to the three council members. The bank later approved the cards, alongside a $12,500-limit card for Leandre.

The unit added it was unable to corroborate a monthly "intelligence fee" declared by Augustin of around $190,000.

The interim council was seen as an improvement after the previous government was widely considered corrupt.

Last week, the United Nations backed strengthening the ULCC, which out of 87 investigations submitted to Haiti's judiciary, has obtained just one conviction.

($1 = 131.4336 gourdes)

Reporting by Sarah Morland and Harold Isaac; Editing by David Alire Garcia and Sonali Paul


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