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Google defeats digital maps antitrust case in US court

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Adds comment from Google, plaintiffs in paras 5 and 6

By Mike Scarcella

July 16 (Reuters) -Alphabet's GOOGL.O Google won a ruling in California federal court on Monday dismissing a proposed class action claiming it too tightly restricted how customers use its digital-mapping products, causing them to pay higher prices.

U.S. District Judge Richard Seeborg in San Francisco rejected claims by the plaintiffs, including marketing company Dream Big Media, that Google was unlawfully prohibiting developers from using Google and non-Google data in their maps.

The plaintiffs sued in 2022 over Google technology that lets customers feature a Google map and other related information about places and routes onto a third-party website or app.

Seeborg’s ruling said the plaintiffs had not presented enough facts to persuade him that Google was monopolizing mapping services. He dismissed the case with prejudice, which means it cannot be refiled.

Google in a statement called the lawsuit "baseless" and said it welcomed the court's ruling.

The plaintiffs said they were "exploring options to appeal the decision."The plaintiff class included businesses, application developers and individual purchasers of Google mapping products.

The lawsuit asserted that map customers should be allowed to “mix and match,” using some Google mapping products and competitor data at the same time for interactive features on websites and other applications.

Google countered that the plaintiffs were not reading the company’s mapping terms of service correctly. A customer cannot “link” a Google map to a non-Google one, Google told the court in a filing.

The plaintiffs had not shown “even a single instance” of the company “preventing a developer from using or displaying non-Google content with or near a Google Map,” according to Google.

Google faces other lawsuits over its practices and products, including its search business and digital advertising suite. Google has denied allegations from the U.S. government and others in those cases.

The case is Dream Big Media Inc v. Alphabet Inc and Google LLC, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, No. 3:22-cv-02314.

For plaintiffs: Justin Nematzadeh of Nematzadeh PLLC; John G. Balestriere of Balestriere Fariello; and Mario Simonyan of ESQGo PC

For defendant: David Kiernan and Catherine Zeng of Jones Day

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Reporting by Mike Scarcella


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