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Golf-Lowry leads Open, Scheffler in the hunt

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2019 winner Lowry sets pace

England's Brown nearest chaser

Scheffler edges up leaderboard

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TROON, Scotland, July 19 (Reuters) -Ireland's Shane Lowry led the Open from English qualifier Dan Brown after a masterful second round at Royal Troon but world number one Scottie Scheffler was moving ominously into contention on Friday.

Lowry, the 2019 champion, rolled in a superb 20-foot birdie putt on the 18th green to complete a two-under 69 to move to seven under, two shots clear of overnight leader Dan Brown who again impressed with a one-over 72.

American Scheffler was warming to the task of lifting the Claret Jug for the first time although a bogey at the 18th rather jolted his serene progress on the Ayrshire coast.

England's Justin Rose was also well-positioned as the former U.S. Open champion was on three under towards the end of his second round having made his first bogey of the tournament having gone 29 holes without a blemish.

Conditions were calmer for the early starters on Friday although winds increased considerably throughout the day to prevent much movement up the leaderboard.

Lowry made birdies at the first and fourth and after dropping a shot at the fifth he made birdie on the treacherous par-three eighth known as the Postage Stamp.

His only moment of concern was a double-bogey on the 11th but he quickly shrugged that off and made birdie at the 16th before his majestic finish on the last hole.

"It was pretty good, it was tough out there," Lowry said. "The wind wasn't quite as strong as yesterday but it was still tricky. The 11th was a bit of a disaster but I handled that well and managed to finish nicely."

Scheffler, who has six wins on the PGA Tour this season including The Masters, plotted his way around impressively with three birdies although he was left frustrated following a bogey five at the 18th after finding a fairway bunker.

"I've played two solid rounds and it put me five shots back, and I'll continue to try to execute and just continue to try to hit good shots and hit good putts out there," he said.

Brown, in his first major, dropped two shots on his front nine but hung in well and made two birdies on the way back.

No English player has won the Open since Nick Faldo in 1992.

Rose, who had to qualify this year, may raise hopes of an end to that drought if he continues in the same vein.

He again showed the value of staying out of trouble as he made two birdies and six pars in his first eight holes, although he finally made a bogey at the 12th.

Several players made use of the relatively benign early conditions, including American Billy Horschel who moved to two under after a three-under 68. Fellow American Patrick Cantlay shot a 68 to move to one under, as did Australia's Jason Day.

There was to be no miraculous recovery for Tiger Woods though as the American great bowed out with a disappointing round of 77 after carding 79 on Thursday.

The 48-year-old American recorded six bogeys and two double bogeys on Thursday and struggled again with just a single birdie despite plenty of support from the packed galleries.

"It wasn't very good," Woods said. "I was fighting it all day and was never close enough to make birdies."

With the cut line projected to be plus six, the later starters included some big names hoping to at least keep themselves in the tournament for the weekend.

U.S. Open champion Bryson DeChambeau, who began the day five over, and world number two Rory McIlroy, seven over, will need big improvements to avoid being cut.

Reporting by Ed Osmond and Martyn Herman
Editing by Toby Davis and Christian Radnedge


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