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Germany's Commerzbank has a bumpy history with big M&A

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Updates timeline last published on Sept. 18 with new introduction and entries, updated graphic

By Tom Sims

FRANKFURT, Sept 26 (Reuters) -Commerzbank CBKG.DE will hold a first round of talks with UniCredit CRDI.MI on Friday as the Italian lender presses for a possible tie-up.

Commerzbank has, like some other banks, had a rocky history with big mergers and acquisitions over the years.

These are some of the key moments:


The bank was founded in Hamburg and later moved to Berlin. It relocated to Frankfurt in 1970 as one of Germany's leading banks, focusing on retail and corporate customers.


Expands to London and New York, and other European capitals.


Agrees to buy Dresdner Bank, one of Germany's biggest banks, from insurer Allianz in a $14.5 billion deal.

Commerzbank is Germany's first commercial bank to turn to the government for capital during the global financial crisis.


In a bailout, Germany takes a stake of 25% plus one share in Commerzbank in return for an additional 10 billion euro ($11.13 billion) capital injection.


European debt crisis continues.


Commerzbank embarks on a multi-year restructuring.


U.S. investor Cerberus builds a stake controlling 5% of the German bank's voting rights.

UniCredit tells Berlin it is interested in eventually merging with Commerzbank, Reuters reported, a combination that would create one of Europe's biggest banks.

BNP Paribas' then Chairman Jean Lemierre dampened rumours that it was interested in a tie-up with Commerzbank.


Commerzbank drops out of blue-chip DAX index.

Deutsche Bank describes as "fictions" media reports suggesting that Germany's biggest bank might seek a tie-up with Switzerland's UBS or Commerzbank.


Cerberus says it is open to a merger between Germany's two biggest lenders.

Deutsche Bank and Commerzbank hold merger talks, but call them off weeks later.

UniCredit engages investment bankers to advise it on a potential bid for Commerzbank.

Commerzbank's supervisory board approves plans to cut thousands of staff and close a fifth of its branches after the failed merger with Deutsche Bank.


In a u-turn, Commerzbank says that it would not sell its Polish subsidiary mBank, citing poor market conditions.

Cerberus calls on Commerzbank to appoint two of its nominees to the supervisory board, cut costs and adopt a new strategy.

Commerzbank's chairman and chief executive step down, bowing to demands from Cerberus.


Commerzbank's new CEO, Manfred Knof, wants to cut 10,000 jobs and close hundreds of branches as part of a strategy revamp.

Knof says Commerzbank is working to remain independent.


UniCredit CEO Andrea Orcel approaches Knof about a potential deal in early 2022, before the Ukraine war, people with knowledge of the matter told Reuters.

Commerzbank returns to profit and rejoins the DAX.


Jan. 23 Knof plays down prospects of a possible merger with Deutsche Bank, saying such a tie-up was not under discussion at his bank and he was striving to keep the bank independent.

May 15 Commerzbank wants to "tone down" merger speculation and is entirely focused on its current strategy, which is the "best prerequisite" to stay independent, Knof said.

Sept. 3 Germany intends to reduce its 16.5% stake as Commerzbank is stable again years after its rescue, the government says.

Sept. 10 Commerzbank says Knof would not seek another term when his contract ends in December 2025, as the German government begins to sell some of its shares.

Sept. 11 UniCredit approaches Commerzbank about exploring merger talks, a source with knowledge of the matter said, after the bank bought a 9% stake. Commerzbank's management discusses how to keep the lender independent.

Sept. 13 German government officials and UniCredit bankers hold talks after the purchase of the 9% stake, Reuters reported.

Sept. 16 Knof snubs UniCredit's overtures, saying he had his own plans for the bank and hoped it could stay independent.

Sept. 17 Bettina Orlopp, Commerzbank's finance chief, says the German government should retain its Commerzbank stake.

Sept. 18 Commerzbank prepares to put Orlopp in charge of talks with UniCredit, two people with knowledge of the matter said.

Sept. 20 Germany says it would not sell any more shares in Commerzbank for now.

Sept. 23 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz slams as "an unfriendly attack" UniCredit's move to acquire a possible 21% stake in Commerzbank.

Sept. 24 Orlopp will take over as chief executive officer, the bank announces.

Sept. 26 Commerzbank and UniCredit will hold a first round of talks on Sept. 27, Orlopp says, as Commerzbank burnishes its independent strategy.

($1 = 0.8982 euros)

UniCredit outperforms https://reut.rs/4dnuWDd

Commerzbank shares https://reut.rs/3BuGVkP

Reporting by Tom Sims, John O'Donnell and Valentina Za; Editing by Alexander Smith, Barbara Lewis, Elaine Hardcastle


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