XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

Germany says Moldova could be next in line if Ukraine falls

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Adds pledges, Weimar statement, background

By Alexander Ratz and Alexander Tanas

CHISINAU, Sept 17 (Reuters) -Support for Ukraine guarantees the survival of neighbouring Moldova, German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock said on Tuesday at a conference to address concerns about broadening Russian interference in the region.

"Everything that we do to support Ukraine also means fostering stabilisation with regards to Moldova," Baerbock said. "It is clear what the greatest concern of the people here is: that if Ukraine falls, Moldova is the next country in line."

Baerbock was visiting Chisinau for the Moldova Partnership Platform, together with her counterparts fromFrance, Romania, Poland, the Netherlands and Lithuania.

Germany, one of Kyiv's main military supporters in Europe, initiated the platform after Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, painting it as part of broader efforts to stabilise Moldova's economy and shield it from Russian disinformation.

Moldova, which has a Romanian-speaking majority and large Russian-speaking minority, has alternated between pro-Russian and pro-Western governments since the fall of the Soviet Union, and now has a strong Western-oriented administration. Moscow has troops stationed in a region where pro-Russian separatists broke from Chisinau's control in a short war in the early 1990s.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu, who has accused Russia of trying to overthrow her government, said Moldova still faces serious challenges and urged partners to increase their support.

"Russia's war against Ukraine, which we condemned from the very first day, has caused enormous damage to our economy," Sandu said.

"The uncertainty caused by the war continues to seriously hinder our economic development and will continue to hinder it as long as the war lasts," she added.

Within the framework of the platform, agreements were signed to provide Moldova with more than 300 million euros ($334 million) in loans and 80 million euros in grants, the government's press service said.

Allies also welcomed Moldova's efforts to join the European Union. Under Sandu, Moldova, which lies between Ukraine and NATO and EU member Romania, hopes to join the bloc by 2030.

France, Germany and Poland voiced their "unwavering and continuous support for Moldova" in its bid to join, according to a draft resolution seen by Reuters following a meeting of the three countries' top diplomats.

The countries, known as the Weimar Triangle, also promised support to the Moldovan armed forces to defend the country, both bilaterally and as EU partners.

In May, Moldova signed a security and defence partnership with the EU, the first country to agree such a deal with the bloc.

($1 = 0.8982 euros)

Reporting by Alexander Ratz and Alexander Tanas in Chisinau, Writing by Rachel More, Editing by Angus MacSwan


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