XM Amerika Qoʻshma Shtatlari fuqarolariga xizmat koʻrsatmaydi.

German prosecutor-turned-activist vows to fight finance lobby influence

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By Tom Sims and Christian Kraemer

FRANKFURT, July 16 (Reuters) -A top German prosecutor who led a years-long effort to crack down on a giant tax fraud vowed on Tuesday in her new role as an activist that she will fight to limit the influence of lobbyists and seek the return of 28 billion euros ($30.53 billion) in taxes.

The effort comes as Germany - Europe's largest economy - struggles to fill a hole in its budget and as it tries to overcome criticism for failing to do enough to fight financial crime.

For much of the past decade, Anne Brorhilker was the most prominent prosecutor pursuing so-called illegal "cum-ex" trading, schemes that were rife during the financial crisis and were estimated to have stripped state coffers of billions. Her work led to jail sentences and fines.

In June, Brorhilker made the switch to Finanzwende, a Berlin-based consumer advocacy group, a move that she says comes at a personal financial disadvantage but one that frees her of limits on her speech and allowed her to voice her opinion.

In her first press conference since leaving the Cologne prosecutor's office, Brorhilker said that "a core problem" in Germany is the "huge influence of the financial lobby".

She blamed special-interest groups, with their "huge budgets and large offices with a view of parliament", for failures in punishing alleged tax crimes.

"Why the hell don't we use this opportunity to get the money back? Basically, the only explanation is that the financial lobbyists are really good at what they do," she said.

Deutsche Kreditwirtschaft, an umbrella organisation that lobbies for German finance, did not immediately respond to a request for comment. The industry, often reproached by activists in Germany, says it plays a key role in keeping the economy functioning.

Brorhilker made her name jailing bankers and winning fines for cum-ex trading, in which banks and investors would swiftly trade shares of companies around their dividend payout day, blurring stock ownership and allowing multiple parties to falsely reclaim tax rebates on dividends.

A similar scheme resulted in 28 billion euros in losses for state coffers, Finanzwende said.

Gerhard Schick, a former member of parliament and founder of Finanzwende, called the German finance minister a "friend of banks" and demanded he "systematically reclaim these illegal profits".

The finance ministry didn't immediately respond to a request for comment.

($1 = 0.9173 euros)

Reporting by Tom Sims and Christian Kraemer, Editing by Louise Heavens


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