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Prabowo takes up Indonesian presidency, vows to tackle corruption, other issues

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Prabowo sworn in as Indonesia's eighth president

Calls on Indonesians to help him tackle nation's problems

Says food self-sufficiency possible within five years

Outgoing Jokowi leaves mixed legacy of growth, patronage

Prabowo aims for 8% growth, self-sufficiency, global role

Recasts with Prabowo speech, adds details in paragraphs 1, 2, 4-9, 12 and 22

By Ananda Teresia and Stefanno Sulaiman

JAKARTA, Oct 20 (Reuters) -Indonesia's Prabowo Subianto on Sunday took over as president of the world's third-largest democracy, vowing to combat internal issues such as corruption that plague the country and to make it more self-sufficient.

The 73-year-old has undergone a remarkable transformation, from being a former military commander facing unproven allegations of rights abuses to sweeping the polls and now leading the country of 280 million people.

Wearing a traditional black hat and navy suit with a woven maroon and golden sarong, Prabowo officially became Indonesia's eighth president on Sunday morning after he was sworn in during a ceremony at Indonesia's parliament.

Prabowo,who unsuccessfully ran for the presidency twice before, said in a fiery speech to lawmakers he would be president for all Indonesians and challenged the nation to help him face down the country's problems.

"We must always realise that a free nation is where the people are free," Prabowo said, at times raising his voice.

"They must be freed of fear, poverty, hunger, ignorance, oppression, suffering," he said.

In a wide-ranging speech lasting about an hour, Prabowo said self-sufficiency for food was possible within five years, while also pledging to become self-sufficient in energy.

The new president vowed to eradicate corruption and said that while he wanted to live in a democracy, it must be "polite".

"A difference of opinion must come without enmity ... fighting without hating," he said.

Prabowo won the Feb. 14 contest with nearly 60% of the vote and has spent the past nine months building a formidable parliamentary coalition.

He was joined in the swearing-in ceremony by his running mate, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, 37, the eldest son of outgoing President Joko "Jokowi" Widodo.


After his speech, Prabowo wore a baseball cap and waved through a car sunroof as he made his way to the presidential palace, passing thousands of flag-waving supporters thronging Jakarta's streets in a festival-like atmosphere.

Flower boards outside the palace either congratulated Prabowo and Gibran or thanked Jokowi for his decade of service.

Jokowi supporters are also attending the celebrations to bid farewell to Indonesia's outgoing leader.

Anneta Yuniar, a bystander who had excitedly waved at Jokowi's motorcade as it slowly made its way past supporters before the ceremony, said she would miss Jokowi but that Prabowo was a strong leader.

"Prabowo will continue the development that Jokowi started. There's continuity. It's what I want," she said.

Jokowi has left an indelible mark on the nation of 280 million, presiding over a period of strong economic growth and massive infrastructure development.

Critics also say, though, his rule has been marked by a rise in old-time patronage and dynastic politics, and they warn about diminished integrity in courts and other state institutions.

Indonesian police and military have put in place strict security measures, deploying at least 100,000 personnel across the city, including snipers and anti-riot units.

Prabowo is expected to meet with foreign dignitaries, including a number of heads of state, later on Sunday at the presidential palace, said Hasan Nasbi, the head of the presidential communications organisation.

China sent Vice President Han Zheng to the inauguration, while the delegation from the United States is being led by U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

Prabowo also touched on foreign policy during his speech, saying Indonesia was non-aligned on the global stage, but that he stood in support of the Palestinian people and said Jakarta was ready to send more aid to Gaza.

During his campaign, Prabowo billed himself to voters and investors alike as the "continuity candidate".

Past allegations against Prabowo of involvement in the kidnapping of student activists and human rights abuses in Papua and East Timor, however, have also raised concern about Indonesia's trajectory of democracy, human rights advocates say.

Prabowo has always denied the allegations that led to his dismissal from the military in 1998, the same year Indonesia broke free from the decades-long authoritarian rule of former President Suharto.

Reporting by Ananda Teresia, Stefanno Sulaiman, Stanley Widianto , Gayatri Suroyo and Fransiska Nangoy; Writing by Idrees Ali; Editing by Tom Hogue


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