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Film 'Emilia Perez' helped Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldana 'feel' and 'reconnect'

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Film merges musicals, crime, and comedy genres

Film wins Cannes jury prize and best actress award

Emilia Perez streams on Netflix from Nov. 13

By Hanna Rantala

LONDON, Oct 11 (Reuters) -Superstars Selena Gomez and Zoe Saldana say making the genre-bending movie "Emilia Perez" allowed them to tap into their emotions and talents.

Directed by French auteur Jacques Audiard, "Emilia Perez" merges the diverse genres of musicals, crime and comedy to tell the story of a Mexican cartel leader, played by Karla Sofia Gascon, who transitions from male to female and starts a non-profit dedicated to finding the bodies of disappeared people.

Gascon, a transgender actress, portrays both the male and female identities of Emilia Perez. Saldana takes on the role of the lawyer aiding Perez in her transition journey, while Gomez depicts the mother of Perez's children.

Texas-born Gomez described the project as a "gift of patience and audaciousness".

"I should be happy in my life. I should be passionate. I should be frustrated when it's my time to feel frustrated. It allowed me to feel," she said at the movie's London Film Festival premiere on Friday.

"Emilia Perez" is presented in melodious Spanish and showcases the singing and dancing skills of its cast.

"It gave me an opportunity to reconnect with a part of me that I had so long ago said good-bye to," said Saldana.

"As I made my introduction into acting, I sort of shed that skin of dancing, even though I was able to utilize the skills to sort of enhance a career in action genre-driven films. But I miss it. I will always be a dancer at heart," the "Avatar" and "Guardians of the Galaxy" star said.

The film debuted at Cannes in May, where it was doubly honoured, winning the festival's jury prize and Saldana, Gascon, Gomez and Adriana Paz sharing the best actress award. Oscar buzz has ensued.

"I'm grateful if this takes me all the way there. It would be a dream come true," said Saldana, adding: "but I was raised by a woman that always compelled me to be proud of other women. And if I'm going to be cheering on another woman in my category, if I even make it to these categories, I'm going to be just as happy and just as proud."

"Emilia Perez" streams on Netflix from Nov. 13.

Reporting by Hanna Rantala; Editing by Sandra Maler


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