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European stocks rise on rate cut hopes, healthcare sector hits record high

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Euro zone business activity gets boost from Olympics- PMI

ECB policymakers shift focus to September meeting

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STOXX 600 up 0.4%

Updated at 1600 GMT

By Ankika Biswas and Pranav Kashyap

Aug 22 (Reuters) -Europe's main stock index climbed on Thursday, with healthcare and retail stocks leading the charge, while investors cheered growing prospects of interest rate cuts by major central banks and sifted through a wave of economic data globally.

The pan-European STOXX 600 index .STOXX closed 0.4% higher, rising for the second day and closing at its highest level in thismonth.

The retail sector .SXRP rose to the top, boosted by an11% jump in JD Sports JD.L after the British sportswear retailer reported an improvement in second-quarter underlying sales growth.

Swiss pharmaceutical company Siegfried Holding SFZN.S advanced 7% after better-than-expected first-half results, while Biomerieux BIOX.PA rose nearly 6% after UBS initiated coverage of the French biotechnology stock with a "buy".

The healthcare sector .SXDP hit a record high, also thanks to a 2.4% rise in Europe's most valuable company by market value, Novo Nordisk NOVOb.CO.

With market participants broadly pricing in a 25-basis-pointrate cut by both the Fed and the ECB in September, the occurrence of these could provide a fresh boost to risk assets globally.

The European Central Bank's July meeting minutes showed policymakers saw no urgency in cutting rates but hinted at a fresh discussion in September due to growth concerns.

Different data sets showed euro zone business activity had surprisingstrength in August, potentially weakening expectations for two more rate cuts from the ECB, while last quarter's slowing negotiated wage growth bolstered the case for a September rate cut.

"While further ECB cuts are on the way - we see cuts in September and December this year - the broader path is likely to be gradual and subject to considerable uncertainty," said Chris Hare, senior economist at HSBC.

Investors also awaited policymakers' commentary at Jackson Hole this week, hoping that the world's most influential central bank, theU.S. Federal Reserve, will kick off its rate-cutting cycle next month.

Over in the U.S., weekly jobless claims ticked up but were steadying near levels consistent with gradual labour market cooling that should aid a September U.S. rate cut.

As for other individual stocks, Deutsche Bank DBKGn.DE rose 4% after announcing settlements with someplaintiffs in Postbank acquisition lawsuits.

Reinsurance company Swiss Re SRENH.S gained 4.5% after results, while CTS Eventim EVDG.DE surged 6% after the German ticketing group raised its full-year earnings forecast.

Aegon AEGN.AS fell 5.4% after the Dutch insurer booked a charge of around $400 million in the first half of 2024, while Danish hearing aid and audio solutions maker GN Store Nord GN.CO dropped 9% after second-quarter results miss.

Reporting by Pranav Kashyap and Ankika Biswas in Bengaluru; Editing by Savio D'Souza, Janane Venkatraman and Josie Kao


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