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European shares subdued ahead of economic data, French elections; H&M plunges

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H&M tumbles after missing quarterly profit forecasts

Kering jumps on BofA double upgrade

STOXX 600 down 0.4%

Updated at 1600 GMT

By Shashwat Chauhan, Jesus Calero and Shristi Achar A

June 27 (Reuters) -European shares slipped onThursday on investor caution aheadof crucial global economic data and the first round ofFrench elections, while retailer H&M sank aftermissing quarterly profit forecasts.

The pan-European STOXX 600 .STOXX closed 0.4% lower, extending losses for the third straight sessions.

Retail stocks.SXRP led sectoral declines with a1.9% drop as H&M HMb.ST, the world's second-biggest fashion retailer, plunged 12.9% after missingquarterly earnings forecasts and predicting a drop in June sales.

"H&M repeats the goal of an operating margin of over 10% for 2024 and beyond. However, management warns that the conditions for achieving the goal this year have become more challenging," said Magnus Raman, an analyst at Kepler Cheuvreux.

Sweden's benchmark index .OMXSPI slipped 0.2%.

Separately, its central bank, Riksbank , held its key interest rate at 3.75% as expected and indicated rates could ease further this year if inflation prospects remained the same.

Basic resources .SXPP lost nearly0.9%, with miner AngloAmerican AAL.L falling 1.5% afterBerenberg cut the stock's rating to"sell" from "hold", citing concerns over the company's new strategic plans.

GSK GSK.L fell 4.5% a day after the U.S. CDCnarrowed its usage recommendation for all respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) vaccines and held off on recommending their use for peopleunder 60.

Personal and household goods .SXQP fell 1.3%, led by 6.4% fall in Burberry BRBY.L as the British retailer's shares traded ex-dividend.

On the bright side, DS Smith SMDS.L jumped 15.6% to the top of the benchmark index after Brazilian pulpmaker Suzano SUZB3.SA terminated buyout talks with International Paper IP.N. The British paper and packaging firm had agreed in April to be bought by International Paper.

Kering PRTP.PA added 4.7% after BofA Global Research upgraded the French luxury goods company to "buy" from "underperform."

All eyes are now on a keyU.S. inflation reading on Friday, which could play a role in gauging the Federal Reserve's rate outlook. In the bloc, investors will awaitconsumer price data from France, Spain and Italy.

Government bond yields across the euro zone edged higher on the day in the lead-up to the data, with the yield on the 10-year bund DE10YT=RR last at 2.45%, hovering neartwo-week highs. GVD/EUR

The first round of French parliamentary elections over the weekend will also be on investors' radar.

Latest polls suggest the far-right National Rally (RN) is seen reaching 36% of popular vote, while President Emmanuel Macron's centrist bloc is seen at 21%.

Mohit Kumar, chief economist Europe at Jefferies, said the base case was for an RN government "which would provide us with a buy-the-dip opportunity somewhere between the first and second round of elections".

Most European bourses set for monthly losses https://tmsnrt.rs/3Wap9eV

Reporting by Shashwat Chauhan and Shristi Achar A in Bengaluru and Jesus Calero in Gdansk
Editing by Sonia Cheema and Peter Graff


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