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European shares inch lower ahead of Fed's big rate decision

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UK inflation holds at 2.2% in Aug

Euro zone inflation at 0900 GMT

Fed rate decision at 1800 GMT

Campari at over four-year lows after unexpected CEO exit

Reckitt rises on report of potential sale of homecare assets

STOXX 600 down 0.2%

Updated at 0800 GMT

By Shubham Batra

Sept 18 (Reuters) -European shares edged lower on Wednesday, as investors stayed on the sidelines ahead of an all-important interest rate decision by the U.S. Federal Reserve that could mark the beginning of a monetary-easing cycle in the world's largest economy.

The pan-European STOXX 600 index .STOXX was down 0.2% at 516.15 points, led by losses in healthcare shares .SXDP following reports that Novo Nordisk's NOVOb.CO Ozempic is "very likely" to be one of the next drugs targeted for a price cut in the United States.

The Danish drugmaker's shares were down 1.7%.

Technology shares .SX8P also pulled the markets down with a 0.7% fall while miners .SXPP slipped 0.5%.

All major European markets were trading flat to lower.

Britain's FTSE 100 .FTSE dipped 0.3% after UK headline inflation stood at an annual rate of 2.2% in August, unchanged from July, but price growth in the services sector - closely watched by the Bank of England - picked up.

The day will be monopolised by the U.S. central bank's expected start of policy easing, with a decision on interest rates due at 1800 GMT. Money markets see a 63% chance of a 50-basis-point reduction, according to CME's FedWatch Tool.

"Markets currently expect a 50-bps cut by the Fed, and it's very unlikely the Fed will surprise investors by going 25 bps. We expect the Fed to cut 50 bps to get ahead of downward trending labor market data, even as the inflation fight looks done," said Sonu Varghese, global macro strategist at Carson Group.

Investors will also keep a close watch on the euro zone's inflation data at 0900 GMT, while monitoring comments from European Central Bank's supervisors Claudia Buch and Elizabeth McCaul later in the day.

Italy's Campari CPRI.MI slipped 6.1% to the bottom of the benchmark index as CEO Matteo Fantacchiotti unexpectedly stepped down after only five months at the helm.

Reckitt Benckiser RKT.L advanced 1.3% following reports that the consumer goods giant launched early discussions with potential suitors for a sale of its homecare assets, which could be worth more than 6 billion pounds ($7.89 billion).

France's Ubisoft Entertainment UBIP.PA jumped nearly 5% to the top of STOXX 600 after BMO Capital Markets raised the rating on the stock to "outperform".

Reporting by Shubham Batra and Lisa Pauline Mattackal in Bengaluru; Editing by Sherry Jacob-Phillips


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