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Disneyland 'Pirates' performers can join union, NLRB says

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Adds in paragraph 4 that Disney declined to comment

By Daniel Wiessner

Sept 12 (Reuters) -The National Labor Relations Board has ruled that a small group of performers who portray "Pirates of the Caribbean" characters in a show at Disneyland can vote on whether to join an existing union of cast members in other productions at the park.

The board in a decision issued on Wednesday said the group of about 20 workers in the show Fantasmic! had enough in common with other unionized performers at the California theme park to join them for the purposes of collective bargaining.

The decision reversed an NLRB regional director in Los Angeles who ruled last year that the performers could form their own bargaining unit with the American Guild of Variety Artists but not join the larger existing unit. After that decision, the workers voted 13-0 to unionize.

A Disney spokesperson declined to comment. The union did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

In July, unions representing 14,000 Disneyland employees reached a tentative agreement with Disney on a new three-year contract, thwarting a threatened strike.

Fantasmic!, which is hosted by Mickey Mouse, features ships floating down an artificial river on which performers reenact scenes from classic Disney movies.

One of the ships is made to look like the Black Pearl, the pirate ship featured in the five Pirates of the Caribbean films, and performers portray characters including Captain Jack Sparrow and Elizabeth Swann.

The union petitioned to represent the workers in late 2022. The NLRB regional director last year found that the Pirates performers have distinct job functions, supervision, and training and do not interact with other performers in Fantasmic! or other shows, including ones based on the Lion King, the Avengers, and Toy Story.

Despite winning the election, the union had asked the board to review the decision and rule that the performers shared a "community of interest" with the existing bargaining unit, which includes singers, ice skaters, dancers, comedians, acrobats and circus performers, among others.

Forming small bargaining units can be an important first step for unions attempting to organize a larger non-union workforce. But when a workplace is already unionized, as Disneyland is, unions typically prefer to have larger units with more bargaining power.

The board on Wednesday acknowledged that there were some differences in the working conditions of the Pirates performers and others, but said the regional director was wrong to find that they outweighed the similarities. In some respects, the board said, all of the performers at Disneyland have the exact same job duties.

"The specialty performers lip-sync, perform choreography, embody the mannerisms of Disney characters, engage in acrobatics and stage swordplay, perform on heights with and without harnesses, and more," the board said.

The board sent the case back to the regional director to schedule an election.

The case is Walt Disney Parks and Resorts U.S. Inc, National Labor Relations Board, No. 21-RC-306324.

For Disney: Aaron Zandy and Bret Yaw of Ford Harrison

For the union: Benjamin O'Donnell of Gilbert & Sackman

Read more:

Disney, unions reach tentative pact, avoiding strike at Disneyland

Disneyland character performers announce plans to unionize

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