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Coffee prices soar as weather woes cloud global production outlook

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By Marcelo Teixeira

NEW YORK, Sept 13 (Reuters) -Coffee prices hit multiyear highs on Friday at the Intercontinental Exchange, reacting to a worrisome outlook for global production due to unfavorable weather conditions, experts and market players said.

Robusta LRCc2 coffee, the type widely used to make instant coffee and ready-to-drink coffee beverages, rose to the highest price since the contract started trading in 2008 at $5,281 per metric ton. It gained 3.7% on Friday and 10% this week.

Arabica coffee KCc2, the milder variety preferred by high-end cafes such as Starbucks, matched the highest price since 2011 at $2.6045 per pound, gaining 4% in the session and 9.9% weekly.

The harshest drought on record in top grower Brazil is raising concerns about the country's 2025 crop, which is key to the global supply.

"The crops are really stressed, very poor condition, it is sad to see," said coffee agronomist Jonas Ferraresso, who advises coffee farms in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais state.

He said that even if rains return in October, leading to the flowering phase, trees will hardly have energy to convert those flowers into fruits.

Coffee research institution Fundacao Procafe said in a note that it is unlikely that Brazil will be able to produce a large crop next year considering the state of the trees.

The situation is also worrying in Vietnam, the world's second largest producer and the largest grower of robusta.

Typhoon Yagi left hundreds dead in the country and brought heavy rains to the coffee areas just weeks before the start of the harvest. Rains can cause coffee berries to drop, hurting the quality, as well as disrupt drying operations.

Vietnam could see wetter-than-normal weather in coming months as the La Nina weather pattern is expected to develop.

"La Nina often brings drier than normal conditions to the Southeast coffee regions of Brazil and wetter conditions to the Vietnam highlands," said a U.S.-based coffee broker, adding the combination was undesirable for both regions in coming months.

In other soft commodities, December New York cocoa CCc2 rose 1.4% to $7,695 a ton. London cocoa LCCc2 gained 0.9% to 5,362 pounds per ton.

October raw sugar SBc1 fell 0.3% to 19.01 cents per lb, while October white sugar LSUc1 rose 1.6% to $548.60/ton.

Reporting by Marcelo Teixeira; additional reporting by Maytaal Angel; editing by Jonathan Oatis


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