China says it respects America's choice, congratulates Trump
Official newspaper calls for pragmatic approach to bilateral differences
Trump's win could revive trade war issues from his first presidency
China faces major growth risks from potential 60% tariffs on U.S. imports
Adds Trump's presidency starts in January in second paragraph
BEIJING/HONG KONG, Nov 7 (Reuters) -China expressed respect for the U.S. election result and congratulated Donald Trump on his victory, and anofficial newspaper called for a "pragmatic" approach to bilateraldifferences as U.S. tariff threats loomed.
Trump, a Republican who has promised to implement stiff tariffs, recaptured the White House with a sweeping victory over Democrat Kamala Harris in Tuesday's election. He will take office in January.
"We respect the choice of the American people and congratulate Mr. Trump on his election as president," a Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson said in a statement late on Wednesday.
China-U.S. relations have been fraught for years, notably around trade and security including Taiwan and the South China Sea.
Trump's win could revive issues from his 2017-2021 first presidency, when he started a trade war with the world's second-largest economy and imposed tariffs.
Chinese state-run newspaper China Daily in an editorial on Wednesday portrayed Trump'ssecond presidency as a potential"new beginning in China-U.S. relations if the chance that has been offered is not wasted."
The Biden administration did not dismantle Trump's trade policies and continued to target China's state-driven industrial practices.
In September, it locked in steep tariff hikes on Chinese imports, including a 100% duty on electric vehicles, 50% on solar cells and 25% on steel, aluminum, EV batteries and key minerals, in a bid to protect strategic American industries.
The next U.S. administration can strengthen dialogue and communication with China to handle differences, China Dailysaid.
But athreat by Trump to impose 60% tariffs on U.S. imports of Chinese goods poses major growth risks for China.
Not only are the threatened tariffs much higher than the 7.5%-25% levied on China during Trump's first term, the Chinese economy is also in a much more vulnerable position as it faces a steep property downturn, burdensome local government debt and weak domestic demand.
U.S. policies and "misconceptions" towards China have posed significant challenges for relations, China Daily said.
"A pragmatic approach to bilateral relations is essential in navigating the complexities of global challenges."
The proper handling of China-U.S. relations, which the newspaper called the world's most important bilateral relationship, "not only serves the common interests of both countries but also will inject greater certainty and stability into the world."
Reporting by Farah Master, Liz Lee and the Beijing newsroom; Editing by Cynthia Osterman
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