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Boeing offers 35% pay hike over four years to end machinists' strike

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New deal includes $7,000 ratification bonus, enhanced retirement contributions

Deal could end month-old strike

Boeing negotiated proposal came after talks with Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su

Adds Boeing statement, more details throughout, background on Boeing troubles,

By David Shepardson

Oct 19 (Reuters) - Striking machinistsat Boeing BA.N will vote Wednesday on a new contract proposal that includes a 35% pay hike over four years thatcould end a costly five-week-oldstrike, the company and union said Saturday.

Around 33,000 of Boeing's unionized West Coast workers, most in Washington state, have been on strike since Sept. 13. The work stoppage has halted production of the planemaker's best-selling 737 MAX and its 767 and 777 widebodies.

The latest offer includes a $7,000 ratification bonus, reinstated incentive plan and enhanced contributions to workers' 401(k) retirement plans including a one-time $5,000 contribution plus up to 12% in employer contributions, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers Local 751 said.

Boeing said Saturday it looks "forward to our employees voting on the negotiated proposal." Still there is no guarantee workers will approve the proposal after they overwhelmingly rejected an initial proposal. "The future of this contract is in your hands," the union told workers Saturday.

Boeing on Oct. 8 withdrew its enhanced offer that included a 30% wage increase over four years, after talks also attended by federal mediators broke down. The union has been seeking a 40% hike and restoration of a defined benefit pension.

The union saidon Saturday in a social media post that with the help of Acting U.S. Secretary of Labor Julie Su they had received a "negotiatedproposal" and telling striking workers it "is worthy of your consideration."

On Monday, Su was in Seattle for her first in-person effort to help reach a new Boeing contract and returned on Thursday night to resume efforts after a trip to Detroit.

A spokesperson for Su said Friday the secretary "is currently in Seattle having discussions with both parties. She has met with the CEO and the union and has been in touch multiple times throughout the process."

Last Friday, Boeing announced it would cut 17,000 jobs, or 10% of its global staff and take $5 billion in charges, continuing a year of tumult for the company since a new Alaska Airlines ALK.N 737 MAX 9 airplane suffered a mid-air emergency.

Boeing announced a window for up to $25 billion in stock and debt offerings over the next three years on Tuesday, as well as a $10-billion credit agreement.

In September, nearly 95% of the West Coast workers rejected Boeing's contract offer of a 25% pay rise over four years that had been endorsed by union officials, prompting the strike.

Boeing has been facing ongoing pressure since a door panel flew off a new 737 MAX 9 jet in midair in January prompting the Federal Aviation Administrationto bar the planemaker from increasing production. The FAA opened anew safety inquiry into Boeing on Friday.

In July, Boeing agreed to plead guilty to a criminal fraud conspiracy charge and agreed to pay at least $243.6 million after breaching a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement.

The labor strife is expected to have a negative impact on October's employment report, which will be published days before the Nov 5 Presidential election.

Economists estimate that the strike and rolling weekly furloughs of non-striking workers as well as temporary layoffs at Boeing's suppliers subtracted as many as 50,000 jobs from nonfarm payrolls this month. The economy added 254,000 jobs in September and the unemployment rate fell to 4.1% from 4.2% in August.

Reporting by David Shepardson in Washington; additional reporting by Mrinmay Dey Editing by Daniel Wallis and Diane Craft


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